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Everything posted by DavidM

  1. Please provide a GitHub repo of your mod. Did you set up the mods.toml?
  2. Orespawn does not add any items or blocks. It is a mod that controls the spawning of ores.
  3. Basically the concept is to make blocks between sharp chunks take a medium value between the two sharp chunk height. Check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation. There is also this example in applying bilinear interpolation to images https://rosettacode.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation.
  4. There is a method in ItemFood that is called when the food is eaten (can’t remember the name of the method; use your IDE to find out). Override it and add an empty bottle to the player’s inventory whenever the food is eaten.
  5. Keep in mind that ITileEntityProvider is deprecated and should not be used.
  6. Depending on what you are trying to do, you could use reflection.
  7. Alternatively, you can backup your world frequently.
  8. You could manually apply bilinear interpolation to the terrain to smoothen out sharp mountains.
  9. Instead of using vanilla's update packet system for tile entities, you might want to create your own packet and handler for more flexibility.
  10. IIRC Silkspawners requires a dependency mod. Check the CurseForge page of Silkspawners for more info. Why is coremodding necessary to create silk touch for spawners though?
  11. You can replace vanilla armor with your own custom armor that is identical to vanilla armor except for the 3D texture.
  12. It is used to update the motion of entities on the client-side. It is used by packets from the server.
  13. Wut? No. Using 1.13 mods on 1.14 cannot be disregarded. Mods are designed for a single version of Minecraft.
  14. Don’t use a foreach loop then. Use a for loop instead.
  15. I don't think there would a way to detect the mod, even with a mod whitelist. What kind of packets do they manipulate, and in what way? Is it possible to detect such packet change?
  16. Do not do it on the client, even though the player movement is handled on the client. The client can be a hack client that will simple ignore the packet.
  17. I don't think 1.10 is still supported, but either way: 1. Add @Override annotation when you intends to override. 2. Read the source code of what you are extending and use the according method names from the source code.
  18. ItemBase is abusing inheritance by using it to run the same code multiple times. This would work, however it would stop your Item from extending other classes. You could either do what it does (i.e. setting registry name, adding to modItemList) in your Item's constructor or when you instantiate your item. I would suggest text-based tutorials. Example being: https://github.com/Cadiboo/Example-Mod Yes I get it. So was I. Sorry if I made you think I was trying to be a jerk.
  19. What... You are the one not not helping by telling OP to do stuff that are not relevant to his/her actual problem -.- His problem is not relevant to his code or his json. @Hekaryn I'm suspecting that your workspace is not set up properly, causing the resources folder to no the recognized. I would suggest to re-setup your workspace and try again.
  20. 1. Do not use ItemBase. 2. Do not use static initializers. 3. Most tutorials on YouTube are terrible due to their promotion of outdated methods and bad practices. Do not follow YouTube tutorials. OP: Is anything else in your resources folder working?
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