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Everything posted by poopoodice

  1. 1. Minecraft.getInstance().displayScreen() 2. I don't think there are such thing, for most of the people a working web browser and this nice as forum is enough.
  2. Do you mean does not? You can use spaces to represent 'empty', check vanilla for examples.
  3. Have you register data field_234232_bz?
  4. Have you try to look around the forum or see how vanilla does it? Use IWorldWriter/World (can't remember which) .playSound() and .add/spawnParticle().
  5. ItemStack.shrink() This can be found easily in other places like food, bow, etc... please have a look at them.
  6. You can save the magnification value on the stack on serverside, and change the fov according to the magnification stored on the stack in the fov update event.
  7. Reload the resources in game.
  8. Each time you call getAgeProperty() you creates a new property, which I think it makes the property you added to the state container and the property you use in the getShape() is different... but I'm not sure about this (There's already a property in CropsBlock, you should probably use it instead of create your own one). Also the reason I recommended you anonymous class is because I thought you don't want to create a class just for custom shapes, but apparently I misread your question : (
  9. Override isCrossbow in your item class.
  10. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/concepts/registries/#deferredregister You registered them in the wrong way.
  11. BlockState.get(property)
  12. Sorry I mean "effect". Can you show us how you register it? Also
  13. How do you apply the effect? Have you register the effect type?
  14. You can use anonymous class. https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/anonymousclasses.html
  15. You can’t store the variables that changes while the game is running like that, use tags. Also I don’t think the third parameter of setBlockState can be 0.
  16. Remember to add to state to the state container.
  17. minecraft 'net.minecraftforge:forge:...' under dependencies in build.gradle and if you are using intellij, there should be a gradle panel. Select it and there should be a refresh button, or when you made changes to the build.gradle file a small window will pop up and asks you if you want to reimport the gradle project.
  18. The event is called LivingJumpEvent, it is triggered whenever a LivingEntity jumps. You can use instanceof syntax to check if the entity is player.
  19. it returns the new position. Through World.getBlockState(pos) you can get the blockstate, and then get the block from it.
  20. Yes, it needs to return one of the ActionResult type
  21. BlockPos.offset() or pos.up/down/n/s/w/e
  22. I don't think it is necessary, you can just ignore it as it doesn't hurt.
  23. create is a static method which provides an instance of it, get rid of that "new".
  24. fallDistance in Entity should work
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