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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. First of all please use the code feature to post code and do not remove the formatting of the code, since it's very hard to read. The folder for item textures should be named "item" and not "items". Please post the full path of the item model in your Project (should include the model .json name).
  2. Talk to the Mod author, there is nothing we can do to fix this.
  3. Could you please provide a video/screenshot of the issue?
  4. It looks like something went wrong installing Forge, try to reinstall Forge. And for the next time, please create your own thread.
  5. Problem with Valhelsia Core. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  6. Launcher -> Installations -> edit the Forge Profile -> More Options -> Add the Argument to the JVM Arguments
  7. Could you please more be specific with "track the dropped item"? When track the dropped item, whenever an Item is falling or when the Player tossel the Item?
  8. You should be able to do this with the LootItemEntityPropertyCondition using EntityPredicate#ANY (to allow this GLM on all Entites) and EntityTarget#THIS to use the killed Entity as target. You also can take a look at this FCW page for GLMs.
  9. The debugger is the way to go to debug stuff, it should be obviously since it's called debugger. Use it and you can make 100% sure if the EventHandler is called or not.
  10. You have not the correct version of Flywheel installed which is required by Create.
  11. Did you checked if the EventHandler works using the debugger? If not put a breakpoint in the EventHandler, start the game and join a world.
  12. Does the data you need to send to the client change each tick?
  13. It's not Minecraft, CurseForge disables the debug.log by default, you need to enable it in the settings. This is a dead lock, the game got stuck at some point but it does not crash. You can try binary search to find the Mod which is causing this issue. In your case you can only use the Mods where you think they cause the issue (the first Mod list you pos). The binary search is a way of finding a faulty thing among a lot of other things, without having to remove the things one-by-one. This is useful for finding a broken mod among hundreds of mods, without having to spend time testing the mods one-by-one. The procedure is simple: Remove half of the existing things, and put them aside. Run the program / game. Does the issue still exist? If YES: Repeat from step 1 with the current things. IF NO: Swap out the current things with the ones set aside, and repeat from step 1. Repeat this process until the problematic thing/s have been found. Report the Bug to the Mod author, and tell us which Mod was it (for further issues) From Forge Discord Bot
  14. Please post debug.log from the logs folder (of a run when you use all Mods).
  15. The first one is the way to go, did you add the static keyword to the EventHandler methods? Please post the full updated EventHandler class.
  16. Luis_ST


    Keep this Forums in english please. What about Alex's Mobs?
  17. I guess some other Mod is causing this crash, unfortunately the debug.log does not show any additional information. You can try to add -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug to the JVM arguments of your Launcher. Then Launch the game and produce the error, then post debug.log from the logs folder.
  18. I would highly recommend to use the @EventBusSubscriber annotation to register EventHandlers. See:
  19. Are you sure you delete the build folder and not the bin folder? I'm not entirely sure, but I think you're using Eclipse as IDE? If yes delete the Project from your IDE, regenerate the Project by running gradlew eclipse and gradle genEclipseRuns. Then reimport the Project.
  20. The log you post does not contains any error, the only thing thing i found was a disconnect while joining a World. Where did you get this Error?
  21. I have zero idea what exactly you are talking about. What did you mean with "name". Note: You need to use gradle build to create the .jar file, you can not use the export feature of your IDE. You can use https://gist.github.com/ to upload larger text files.
  22. Did you put the .jar file of your Mod in the mods folder of your IDE? If yes this does not work.
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