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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. There is no hacky stuff necessary. You can simply set the "Unbreakable" value in the Tag of the ItemStack to true when the ItemStack has your Enchantment.
  2. Problem with Valhelsia Core. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  3. Please post a screenshot of the logs folder.
  4. Create your own thread and post debug.log.
  5. Run the game again and produce the error (by connecting to the server) then there should be a debug.log. To make sure all error are printed with full stack trace (which is by network issues not always the case) add -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug to the JVM args of your launcher: Installations -> edit the profile you are using -> More Options -> Add the argument to the JVM Arguments
  6. Note the following path is used the default installation path of CurseForge, if you changed the CurseForge installation directory you need to find your "curseforge" folder. %user%\curseforge\minecraft\Instances\<your Modspack>\logs\debug.log
  7. I guess this is a log part of the latest.log since it does not contains any debug informations. Please post full debug.log from the logs folder (server). You find in on the client in the logs of your game directory. If you using CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  8. Please specify "some textures" and post debug.log from the logs folder.
  9. Override #appendHoverText in your Item class, add the Tooltip you want to show to the given List of Components.
  10. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  11. The server must be start via the generated .bat/.sh file, if you server host does not support these new system you need to talk to them or change your server host.
  12. It is displayed 5 times, since 5 of your Mods requires 5 different versions of Flywheel. Remove Flywheel then launch the Game, if all Mods which requires Flywheel declared this dependency correctly, Forge will show you a Screen where all Mods and their required version of Flywheel are displayed. This should help you to fix the problem.
  13. Problem with Optifine. Refer to the Optifine downloads page regarding compatibility with Forge.
  14. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. On CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  15. Remove this from the EventBusSubscriber annotation if you want that the code also work in Singleplayer on a intedgraed server. The other code looks okay.
  16. Looks like a problem with Mahou Tsukai. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  17. Please show your LivingDeathEvent. FMLCommonSetupEvent is okay but i would recommend to call it as early as possible ideally in the constructor of your main mod class. If you want to call it in FMLCommonSetupEvent move it outside of the enqueueWork block.
  18. You should init the SimpleChannel instance at the end of the register method. No you need to cancel the Event and then send the Packet via the SimpleChannel to the client: // inside your LivingDeathEvent EventHandler event.setCanceled(true); if (event.getEntity() instance ServerPlayer player) { ModMessages.sendToPlayer(new TotemBellotoClientPacket(), player); } This code above is an example which is not tested.
  19. The log you post does not contains any error which cause the game to crash. The file is called "debug (2).log" so it could be from a different (not the latest) run of Minecraft. If there is a file called debug.log please post it if there is no debug.log try to run the game again produced the error then. If there is still not debug.log please post launcher_log.txt as well.
  20. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. If you using CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  21. Almost, you can not use the #getSender on the client, since there is only one sender on the client. You can get the Player and the Level from the Minecraft instance. You also need to move this into a client only class, and wrap the call via DistExecutor#unsafeRunWhenOn you can use this (the second code example) as an example. From LivingDeathEvent after you cancel the Event via your SimpleChannel (which you have hopefully already created).
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