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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Why should the rocket be updated if the player can't see it?
  2. The OptiFine version you are using is not compatible with the Forge version you are using. Download a compatible one or remove OptiFine. If the error still remains please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  3. Forge 1.19 has breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge. Please post debug.log for further informations.
  4. If the most Mods you are using have not updated yet you can also downgrade Forge to version 41.0.63. But you need to note that this can lead problem with the Mods which have already been updated.
  5. Which Item do you want to replace and which behaviour do you want to have with the Item?
  6. Why does your Entity always need to be updated? What did you try to achieve with this?
  7. Why did you use this complicated code? return (ItemTags.getAllTags().getTagOrEmpty(new ResourceLocation("minecraft:logs")).contains(stack.getItem())); You should use ItemStack#is with ItemTags#LOGS instead
  8. Take a look at this, then the error should be clear.
  9. You need to add: -Xmx<size> to the user_jvm_args.txt file, replace the size with the memory value you want if you want to use 12GM the argument should look like this: -Xmx12g
  10. The following Mods need to update: IronFurnaces, NaturesAura, MoreOverlays, Chimes, HairCMod, XPFromHarvest, orelibrary, bdlib, EnderStorage, Compacter, notenoughanimations, BaubleyHeartCanisters Note you also need to make sure the Optifine version you are using is compatible with the Forge version you are using.
  11. Forge 1.19 has breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods.
  12. This error is often indicative of an outdated Java version. Please ensure your Java version is up to date. You can download OpenJDK from the Adoptium project. If the error persists after updating your Java version, please post the updated installer log as well as the contents of %windir%\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (Windows) or /etc/hosts (Mac, Linux).
  13. You need to register a Screen for your Menu in FMLClientSetupEvent in #enqueueWork via MenuScreens#register. If you already register a Screen for your Menu, please post the code you are using for it.
  14. Forge 1.19 has breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge. Please post debug.log from the logs folder for further information.
  15. The latest.log does not contains all informations of the game.
  16. The repo does not exists or it's private.
  17. Could be an issue with Immersive Engineering. Please post debug.log from the logs folder for more detailed information.
  18. Problem with Valhelsia Core. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, report this bug to the Mod author.
  19. If you have issues with adfoc.us you can use the direct download. You find it at the bottom of the download page (Show all versions). Then click on the i for the direct download.
  20. Why did you not override #getBurnTime in the item class? Why did you want to replace all other fuels of the Smoker?
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