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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. the second parameter is the "scanCode" and the third parameter is the "modifiers" ARG 1 keyCode ARG 2 scanCode ARG 3 modifiers
  2. Remove OptiFine or downgrade Forge to 41.0.63, since there no compatible OptiFine version for Forge 41.0.100
  3. Problem with BraincellAPI. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, report this bug to the Mod author.
  4. Screen#keyPressed is the way to go in a custom Screen, take a look at this for the parameters
  5. No you have to run the runServer gradle task Note the first time you run the server it stops, since you need to accept the eula, the second time it generate all missing files but you need to stop the server, since you need to disable the online mode in the server.properties file
  6. i'm not sure as far as I can see in the code, yes test it on a server via runServer it use the reach distance of the player which is 4.5 by default
  7. ForgeIngameGui.rayTraceDistance is just a double value there is nothing special with it yes:
  8. Why did you use ifPresent? Did you assume that your capability is not always present?
  9. It's is a field, you don't need to override any method (this is btw without using Mixin not possible), you need to set LocalPlayer#crouching in MovementInputUpdateEvent to the value you want.
  10. This does not work you need in this case server raytrace, you can take a look at BucketItem#use for an example. why did you use ForgeIngameGui.rayTraceDistance this makes for me no sense, do you know what it is used for?
  11. I hope that the events are located in two different classes, since InputEvent.Key is a client side only Event and TickEvent.PlayerTickEvent is a client and server Event (common)
  12. yeah it does, if this code is called on a DedicatedServer it will crash, since the Minecraft class does not exists on the server. Please show more of your code to understand your usage, ideally the whole class.
  13. This will cause the same issue: Event is fired -> store MobEffectInstance -> add MobEffectInstance in next tick -> Event is fired -> StackOverflowError you need modify the MobEffectInstance before adding it, for example you add a CurativeItem via MobEffectInstance#addCurativeItem (e.g. Items#BARRIER) then you need to check if the given MobEffectInstance of the Event has your CurativeItem if the MobEffectInstance has your CurativeItem you need to ignore it if not you can contine with the your logic Note: the CurativeItem should be a creative only item (e.g. Items#BARRIER, Items#BEDROCK), to make sure you do not have unwanted side effects you also can create a custom Item for this usage, to avoid conflict with other Mods
  14. I would recommend you to not use magic performance Mods. They cause a lot of issues and they mostly increase the performance due breaking game mechanics.
  15. Please show where you call ModMessages.register
  16. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. Note on CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  17. Delete this client config file if you have not modified it.
  18. Looks like an issue with Jei. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, report this bug to the Mod author.
  19. Forge 1.19 has breaking changes recently, mods need to update for them. Check if there are updated versions of your mods or downgrade Forge. Please post debug.log from the logs folder for further informations
  20. Please post debug.log from server and client.
  21. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
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