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Everything posted by OvermindDL1

  1. I thought he was using 105?
  2. Because there is a planned thing like this for vanilla minecraft already.
  3. *OvermindDL1 points to the Wiki while whispering "Make the hook list"
  4. Actually I though that FML/Forge have their own TextureFX class that subclasses the standard TextureFX class, you are using FML/Forge's TextureFX?
  5. The one I am speaking of would not 'block' an item, rather you would want to clear the crafting manager and have all crafting recipes go through your function instead. Hmm, look at any mod source that has recipe items that use damage up as they are crafted from, it is that same hook. Maybe Lex has a better idea when next he comes around?
  6. Out of curiosity, what is Generator Ports? I have not heard of that mod?
  7. Heh, it is true though. Lex does a *lot* and puts up with a *lot*, he is quite amazing.
  8. After further research, I still cannot find any information on the getIconIndex. Could you please help me out? As for the hook regarding the FOV, should I create it? Do you already have one of those too? In other words there should be *two* getIconIndex methods, with different arguments. The other one is the one you want. As for the FOV, unsure yet...
  9. Ah, I knew there was, saw it in some code a while back and it worked in that mod, just thought it was the normal function though.
  10. It would be yes, but that is old left-over cruft from ModLoader I do think. So compatibility and all that.
  11. Forge could use the player api, but not as it is, the player api is not efficient, it should be redesigned and rewritten to follow Forge's hook style, performance and clean code boost.
  12. I would also have uses for such an addition as well.
  13. Not at home right now, at work, but many others do, just need to wait for them to arrive.
  14. Why did you have that? Forge has a better one included already, and you did not say that you had it in your earlier post? Not good to leave out data.
  15. I'm not sure if you know what getItemIcon does, or I'm just not understanding you correctly. It returns the icon that is displayed in your hand. Normally it uses the texture for the item you are holding, but while pulling back the bow, it must be changed to the textures with the string being pulled back. If I were to return a different texture from the item, it would also change the texture in the hot bar, which is not what I want to do. Correct, and doesn't it repoll it every time it renders, thus just returning a different index based on state would work I would think? I have not actually made one myself though uncertain. I'd say wait on Lex to determine about the getItemIcon, he would know better, and ditto about the FOV.
  16. What video card do you have? Are they invisible without Optifine? Have you tried changing Optifines options to see if they ever appear? Have you tried completely reinstalling forge into a completely fresh jar, trying it, then installing optifine, then trying it again?
  17. I do not see why you would need to override getItemIcon, pretty sure that just returning a new icon index from your item class should work based on the calculated state of things. As for getFOVMultiplier, I do not see any way to change what it returns, reflectively or not, directly that is. However it seems that its return value is set straight on the entity renderer class fovMultiplierTemp instance variable, which in turn is used in calculations on the instance variable fovModifierHand as seen in updateFovModifierHand. If you can tick at the right time then you could probably override it easily enough using reflection. However ticking like that at the right time may be costly, a proper hook would be better, should be as generic as possible though, if you want to submit one.
  18. This is with the default textures? Sounds like something may be mis-installed. Forge first, optifine second?
  19. The latest forge *includes* the 4096 fix, hence why you are not supposed to touch any other. However that error just means that you installed something into the minecraft jar other than Forge. Remod a vanilla minecraft jar with forge only.
  20. ModLoaderMP is not supported with Forge as Forge has better than its functionality. However Forge 'can' mostly work with it for clients only, if MLMP is installed first, but mods that use MLMP instead of Forge are still likely to break, they need to be updated.
  21. I am pretty sure the latest forge/fml combo supports that in texturefx's quite directly now. Maybe look at the BC method, or maybe the fml/forge-edited water/lava texturefx might be enlightening?
  22. Sounds like you have some mod that is installing files in to the minecraft jar. Remember, Forge should be the only mod in the jar in general.
  23. You need to cause an update of your block so it recalculates, such as changing the metadata or so.
  24. Something is either overwriting Forge files in the jar, or Forge was not installed properly is what I would guess from that.
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