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Everything posted by warjort

  1. You have completely the wrong approach to this. You are also using an unsupported version https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/91712-supported-version-directory/ The details below apply to supported versions. When you draw things in Minecraft (that are not part of the GUI) you draw them in world co-ordinates. And you draw them using the RenderSystem by adding vertices to buffers based on the RenderType (effectively what graphics card state and shader you want to use). You do not directly draw to the graphics card or use opengl apis. e.g. what if the user is taking a screenshot instead of renderering to the screen? Or some other mod doing some funky offscreen rendering? By adding vertices to a buffer you allow minecraft to draw all the vertices for a rendertype in paralllel with just one graphics state switch instead of continously swapping the state and only drawing one thing at once. Graphics cards are designed to be massively parallel, old school direct draw opengl defeats this. The shaders automatically take into account projections, scaling, etc., e.g. the lines shader https://github.com/misode/mcmeta/blob/14150eed9118b6b142d9b7841760ecf5a4de1bc7/assets/minecraft/shaders/core/rendertype_lines.vsh#L27 Normally you would be rendering a block or entity. In which case Minecraft automatically adjusts the "PoseStack" so you can draw as though your object is at 0,0,0 The PoseStack is a stack of matrix transformations (translate, rotate, scale, etc.) that allow you "push" to change how the co-ordinates are interpreted (like that pretend you are at 0,0,0 above) and "pop" to quickly restore the previous state so you don't have to remember what you changed. If you want to draw something else then you need to know where the PoseStack is "located". This depends upon where in the rendering process you are drawing. For example, when drawing block or entity outines, the PoseStack is actually weirdly located at the camera. So you need to translate to the block co-ordinates to make things easy. e.g. Mekanism doing this https://github.com/mekanism/Mekanism/blob/418bd9be20ea3f688ab5b5438d075ce52785e24c/src/main/java/mekanism/client/render/RenderTickHandler.java#L423 NOTE how after it is translated it adds vertices to the RenderType.lines buffer to draw the block outlines.
  2. Read the FAQ. No debug.log means no help can be provided. And don't post logs in the forum. use a file sharing site.
  3. There is no error in that log. Something is crashing the game without logging the error. Post a link to your launcher_log.txt from directly after the crash
  4. No idea what is going on with adfocus. But in the meantime, you can use the direct download from maven which doesn't seem to be affected: e.g. https://maven.minecraftforge.net/net/minecraftforge/forge/1.20.1-47.1.44/forge-1.20.1-47.1.44-installer.jar
  5. Remove oculus and other client side mods you don't want or need from the server.
  6. No code in mods should use @OnlyIn https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Sides#.40OnlyIn
  7. Install the correct version of optifine (including preview releases) for your version of Minecraft Forge. Refer to the optifine download page for details. Or ask them if you still have problems. Or just remove optifine.
  8. Your error is a network protocol error. It typically does not tell you which mod caused the problem. Those errors are usually caused by * Mods that were never tested by the mod author in multiplayer * Mods for different versions of minecraft Usually the only way to find the problem mod is to experiment with removing mods until the problem goes away. Backup your world before removing mods.
  9. No idea. You don't say what software you are using for the download. Whatever it is, you should ask them. Since you are using windows, if you open powershell you can run the following command to download the file as "installer.jar": But you will likely still get the same problem when you want to download mods? Until you fix it.
  10. I don't know. Maybe reddit or similar? I don't think you will find many people that are willing to spend their time writing your mod for you. Those people with the skills are too busy with their own mods.
  11. This is a support forum for mod developers. i.e. we help fix problems on mods you have already developed and can't figure out what is wrong with it yourself. It is not a human search engine for those who are too lazy to do their own research. It is also not a minecraft modding or java teaching forum. That being said, maybe this is what you are looking for? net.minecraft.world.entity.ai.attributes.Attributes.ATTACK_KNOCKBACK
  12. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125896-forge-downloading-as-a-zip-file-jarfix-not-working/#comment-542505 But questions about your browser (plugins) should be directed to whoever supplies them.
  13. You have a broken browser (plugin) or application that is renaming .jar to .zip files. e.g. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1778322 and its related bugs. jarfix does not change/fix the jar files, it modifies your windows configuration to correct which application should open them If you have a copy of the jdk: https://adoptium.net rather than just the runtime environment you can run the following command on the command line to see what the file contains: jar -tf forge-1.20.1-47.1.44-installer.jar.zip If you get an error running that command, then the problem is not just the file extension, the file itself is corrupted.
  14. If you are posting compiler errors you are in the wrong forum. You want a learning java forum. addAttributeModifier() is method on the ItemStack class, not the Item class Forge already has an attack "reach" attribute supplied by its internal mod. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/ab70bde1d648125acee073a93a25d4b8f08985c9/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/common/ForgeMod.java#L169 e.g. here it is used by the twilight forest mod for its "Giant sword" https://github.com/TeamTwilight/twilightforest/blob/409423ce243f8900c12549af9c061f9fd298e9c5/src/main/java/twilightforest/item/GiantSwordItem.java#L25 found using a search on github: https://github.com/search?q=ENTITY_REACH+language%3AJava&type=code&l=Java
  15. Don't post code snippets out of context in the forum. Create a small build on github that reproduces your problem. Guess (I should not have to guess): I am not familiar with that method, but looking at the code it takes an ARGB value not an RGB So I guess your alpha value is zero and the blending/transparency means nothing is displayed? See for example, Gui.drawBackdrop() or displayScoreboardSidebar() which also has code to take into account the user's choice of background opacity.
  16. That's not the debug.log Your error is a network protocol error. It typically does not tell you which mod caused the problem. Those errors are usually caused by * Mods that were never tested by the mod author in multiplayer * Mods for different versions of minecraft Usually the only way to find the problem mod is to experiment with removing mods until the problem goes away. Backup your world before removing mods. Getting this error is also an indication that you are developing your modpack in the wrong way. * Do not just dump a large number of mods in your mods folder and expect it to work, it won't * Add mods in small groups and test it. That way you will know which mods are causing problems, it one of those you just added.
  17. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/125862-solved-1192-could-not-resolve-all-files-for-configuration-runtimeclasspathcopy/#comment-542460
  18. https://github.com/mezz/JustEnoughItems/wiki/Getting-Started-[JEI-10-or-higher-for-Forge-or-Fabric]
  19. Please don't post logs in the forum, use a file upload site. One of your mods is trying to load client classes on the server and crashing the game without logging an error saying which mod. There is probably an error on your server console that gives more information? If its not that feytweaks mod, then you need to go through your mods and remove the ones that say they are client only, like rubidium, oculus, optifine, etc.
  20. If you want help with the lapis problem, you need to post a link to a log with that crash.
  21. Look in your run/logs/debug.log and you will see the above message. It is caused by this: https://github.com/wixter04/help/blob/a96f78b9ad0079405fa0f75a4d586757c51ad899/src/main/java/net/wixter2/wixterus/util/WixterusArmorMaterial.java#L27 The name in that ArmorMaterial is used in the "path" of that ResourceLocation, so it cannot include a colon.
  22. https://github.com/hammertater/treechop/issues/219
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