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Everything posted by warjort

  1. It is your driver. Either; * Update to the latest version * If that doesn't fix it, try one of the solutions linked here: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/119038-1192-failed-to-run-example-mod-on-fresh-setup/#comment-522788 * Otherwise you need to talk to AMD.
  2. There is no error in that log. Post a link to your launcher_log.txt But since the last thing is the log is: It's likely an issue with your graphics card driver.
  3. https://github.com/TeamMidnightDust/MidnightLib/issues/19
  4. Override isInvulnerableTo(DamageSource) in your entity. Don't forget to call super to handle other damage sources.
  5. Broken config file. It can be found in your config subfolder. If you don't have a backup of the file, you can delete it and it will be recreated with default values.
  6. There is no error in that log. Post a link to your launcher_log.txt on a file sharing site from directly after the crash. But since the last thing in log is This is likely an issue with your graphics card driver.l
  7. There's no error in that log Post a link to your launcher_log.txt on a file sharing site from directly after the crash.
  8. Some issue with it not being able to find or load the SDL2 native library. I suggest you speak to the controllable mod author.
  9. You have mods that are not compatible with 1.19.4 - farmer's delight, ecologics, storage drawers and exotic birds. And you also have placebo which is a mod for Minecraft 1.16.5 ! You need to check the mods you download are compatible with the version of minecraft you want to use. e.g. Farmer's delight currently does not have a version compatible with 1.19.4 https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/farmers-delight/files
  10. This is not Forge. You need to ask wherever Magma provides support.
  11. Please don't post logs in the forum, use a file sharing site. What you posted is just showing the same as your original. You need to read the documentation/wiki for the spark mod to learn how to use it.
  12. One of your mods is not registering its blocks properly. The logs/debug.log might contain additional information? Otherwise there is no indication which mod is causing the problem. You will have to experiment with removing mods until the problem goes away to find it. Backup your world(s) before removing mods.
  13. This will always replace deepslate blocks with deepslate tin. It is the first test to match those blocks. Since mithril has exactly the same conditions there is no case where it could be used. Similary, for the NETHER and END ores only the first could ever be used. If you really do want to mix these ores together in the same "veins", you will need to write your own Feature whose ConfiguredFeature uses a WeightedRandomList or similar mechanic. Otherwise each ConfiguredFeature will need its own List of TargetBlockStates. By the way, don't just post code snippets in the forums. Post all your code on github that is relevant to reproduce the issue (sometimes we have to run/debug the code for ourselves to see issues that are not obvious from just reading the code).
  14. Yes, but look at how my class overrides getType() to ignore that value and return your own.
  15. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/d4f211b81586d24ab6b734c7815fc067579b09b9/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/event/EntityRenderersEvent.java#L93 But as to why it doesn't work, look at the constructor for LecternBlockEntity and what BlockEntityType it hardwires. In general you can't reuse vanilla blocks because of such hardwiring made by Mojang. In this case, you can probably hack it by doing something like (untested pseudo code): public class MyLecternBlockEntity extends LecternBlockEntity { public MyLecternBlockEntity(BlockPos p_155622_, BlockState p_155623_) { super(p_155622_, p_155623_); } // Make this block entity return your type @Override public BlockEntityType<?> getType() { return MWBlockEntityTypes.SPRUCE_LECTERN.get(); } } public class MyLecternBlock extends LecternBlock { public MyLecternBlock(Properties p_54479_) { super(p_54479_); } // Make the block create your block entity @Override public BlockEntity newBlockEntity(BlockPos p_153573_, BlockState p_153574_) { return new MyLecternBlockEntity(p_153573_, p_153574_); } } but such hacks only work when there isn't other hardcoding elsewhere. e.g. you will also have to use an event to workaround the hardwiring of the LecternBlock instance in Writable/WrittenBookItem.useOn() There might be other places?
  16. Look in your logs/debug.log You misspelt farm. 🙂 https://github.com/meme2023/my_mod/blob/838b11405464e28ac3d4f46b9f06adf159b95e40/src/main/resources/data/farmsimmod/loot_modifiers/remove_loot_from_grass.json#L9
  17. Looks like you are missing the obscureapi mod?
  18. You are talking to yourself. 1.16.x is not supported here: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/91712-supported-version-directory/
  19. Don't post snippits in the forum. and what you posted is horribly formatted. It also gives no clue to where those json files are located, what they are called or show all the necessary code (like the registration process). Put your code on github where we can see everything in context. Here's one I made a while ago, explaining all the steps: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/113816-1182-method-for-iterating-over-blocks-belonging-to-a-tag/#comment-505993 although the part about the "block tag loot item condition" is optional unless you want to use block tags.
  20. Something is taking too long on the server thread. The error shown does not say what. At the time it crashed, it was saving entities which might be a clue? Using a mod like https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/spark to see what is taking time on your server thread.
  21. No. These are the Forge support forums. We help with problems related to the Forge mod loader. We don't fix modpacks or other people's mods. The best we can do is tell you which mod is causing the problem so you know who to contact to get help.
  22. From the subheader of this forum.
  23. You should report it is a bug to the mod author, see my comment above. But I bet this is a concurrency (race condition) issue. It wouldn't suprise me if you try to the load the game again, you don't get the error. But sometimes you do get the error at random? Otherwise you will just have the remove the mod until the mod author fixes the problem.
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