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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Your META-INF/mods.toml file is invalid (probably empty from the error message?).
  2. As I guessed above, this is a crash in your graphics driver. Make sure it is up-to-date or try one of the possible solutions discussed here: https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/119038-1192-failed-to-run-example-mod-on-fresh-setup/#comment-522788
  3. Even the vanilla LecternMenu which does send the page number to the client for rendering purposes, doesn't use that client data in the menu. The client side ContainerData that holds this data for the menu is seperate.
  4. I haven't looked at all your code, but this doesn't look right to me? https://github.com/bread88993/Mystiasdelight-1.19.2-Forge/blob/4729748b580fb72f94056d717c8278599fdab79d/src/main/java/com/bread88993/mystiasdelight/screen/BarbecuenetMenu.java#L37 Slots should be initialised to the block entity data on the server. On the client, the slots should be backed by an empty container of the correct size ready to be filled with the data from the server. The idea is the client side slots are just a proxy to the server data. Instead you seem to be the using client side capability data of the block entity as the backing of the slots? Maybe that is ok? But I haven't seen it done that way. I imagine since your block entity also has code to synchronize the same data to the client, the 2 different channels could conflict with each other perhaps with inconsistent data since the networking is inherently asynchronous? Is there some other reason why you would always synchronize the inventory the client? The container gui processing does this for you and more efficently since it only happens when the GUI is open for that player and not everybody in range all the time. You can see the basic idea of the normal way of doing it in this immersive engineering menu: https://github.com/BluSunrize/ImmersiveEngineering/blob/1.19.2/src/main/java/blusunrize/immersiveengineering/common/gui/AlloySmelterMenu.java
  5. According to the log you posted, geckolib is not in your mods folder. The only mods you have are your testmod and jei.
  6. I am not seeing what you describe. You have the blocks in 2 different tags: https://github.com/mastermindac/pacomod/blob/master/src/main/resources/data/minecraft/tags/blocks/needs_diamond_tool.json https://github.com/mastermindac/pacomod/blob/master/src/main/resources/data/minecraft/tags/blocks/needs_stone_tool.json and when I press F3 I can see the block(s) have both tags. For me, it only drops loot when I mine the block with a diamond pick.
  7. Please don't post logs in the forum. Put them on a file sharing site. Now you have an issue with valhelsia structures. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author. If this is one of those modpacks where you just dumped a large number of random mods in your mods folder and expected it to work, you are doing it wrong. This forum does not exist so you can proxy the work of creating and debugging a modpack to us. Add mods individually or in small groups and test it so you know which mods are causing problems.
  8. You don't have geckolib installed.
  9. Conflict between obscureapi and apoli. Check you have the latest versions then contact the mod authors.
  10. Issue with whatever mod contains that invalid "gg.skytils.ktx-serialization" package name The error does not give the mod or jar name.
  11. That is private.
  12. There is no error in that log, post a link to the launcher_log.txt from directly after the crash. Since the last thing in the log is it starting to initialise opengl, it is likely an issue with your graphics card driver?
  13. There is no error in that log. Post a link to your launcher_log.txt from directly after the crash.
  14. Post a link to your logs/debug.log
  15. https://github.com/iPortalTeam/ImmersivePortalsModForForge/issues/72
  16. From the code, the limit is 64 (it is stored in game as a bitmask in a long). It looks like you can create your own FeatureFlagRegistry with its own "universe". But then you would have to implement your own way of configuring, referencing and saving it. So probably more effort than a server config file.
  17. The event is ScreenEvent. But writing bots is not supported here. So don't expect any further help on this topic. Even if you are not writing a bot, we don't help people with the techniques that are used to write cheats.
  18. And an easy way to fix it, is to change the run.sh Replace where it says java with the full path to that java 17 executable
  19. First, don't post on other people's threads unless you are helping the original poster. Start your own thread. As often as you not, you might have the same error message but for a different reason. The error message says you have code compiled for java 16 (major=60), but the version of java you are actually using doesn't support it. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9170832/list-of-java-class-file-format-major-version-numbers i.e. you are using a java implementation earlier than java 16. So whatever java you are starting forge with, it is not that java 17. ./java means use the java executable in the current folder the run.sh by default use the java specified on the PATH environment variable a quick way to find out what that is by typing which java
  20. One of your mods is breaking the AI for a skeleton like mob. The error message does not say which mod. I have underlined the most likely mods, the ones directly modifying code in this area. But from the error message it could be any of your mods. Probably the only way you will find the problem mod, is to experiment with removing mods until the problem goes away. Backup your world(s) before removing mods.
  21. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Sounds I believe the official Mojang name for what forge used to call MovingSound is AbstractTickableSoundInstance? Using a custom SoundInstance usually means taking greater control over how your sound plays than using SoundEvents. e.g. using Minecraft.getInstance().getSoundManager().play(...) a concrete example would be the ElytraOnPlayerSoundInstance usage in the LocalPlayer class. I've heard there is a bot on forge's discord you can use to get the modern Mojmap names for old forge names? But I think it is more focused on migration from 1.16.x? https://gist.github.com/50ap5ud5/beebcf056cbdd3c922cc8993689428f4#full-migration-to-mojang-mappings
  22. The reason for putting AFTER in the mods.toml is so it puts your resource pack above forge one in the options/resource pack screen. It might be you already configured the resource packs and so it has already saved the wrong order in the options.txt? NOTE: This is only relevant if you want to override the vanilla fonts.
  23. You don't include the font/ in the ResourceLocation. Mojang put Fonts in resource packs so people can mod vanilla. I suggest you search the internet for ttf font resource packs and compare your config with theirs. You should also check the logs/debug.log for errors/warnings during resource pack loading. Finally, if you just post snippets (or worse describe your code in English) you aren't going to get much help. Put your code on github where we can see everything in context so we can confirm you did it correctly and maybe try it for ourselves if the problem isn't obvious from just reading the code.
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