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Everything posted by warjort

  1. Err... RenderNameTagEvent? For doing more comlicated things than text you can for LivingEntitys; EntityRenderersEvent.AddLayers then addLayer() to the renderers of the entities you want to modify. The vanilla code for rendering the naming tag can be found in the base EntityRenderer class.
  2. The error says something else is holding a lock on that file, so it can't be opened. Maybe you have a previous version of minecraft running in the background that didn't shut itself down properly? If you can't figure it out, try restarting windows. That will close all your programs and so release the lock.
  3. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  4. Post a link to your logs/debug.log
  5. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  6. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  7. This is not a teaching forum. Look at the vanilla entity renderer classes or find a mod that does something like what you want.
  8. Please in future post logs to file sharing sites. You have the "alltheores" referenced somewhere in your worldgen, but it looks like you don't have that mod installed?
  9. https://github.com/TheElementGuy/Greek-Myths-Mod/blob/829082b738a9931e5b9da97ead871dcb3e481a18/src/main/java/net/theelementguy/greekmyths/world/feature/ModPlacedFeatures.java#L34 Maybe you meant to use absolute() ? negative 64 to 0 "above the bottom" is in the void beneath the bedrock.
  10. forge 41 = minecraft 1.19 42 = 1.19.1 43 = 1.19.2 So your error says you are using forge 41/minecraft 1.19, but then trying to load mods for later forge/minecraft versions.
  11. Try their discord: https://dawncraft.fandom.com/wiki/DawnCraft_Wiki
  12. Your renderer doesn't do anything? Except call super which just has code to the draw the name tag if it has one. https://github.com/Windokk/MilitaryElements/blob/07bc182d4d1edb30d088ae6a89cd1d448c5fdc6b/src/main/java/com/windokkstudio/militaryelements/render/JeepRenderer.java#L21
  13. "That's not how the force works!" 🙂 Textures need to be stitched into the atlases and then baked into models. Your code probably just causes memory leaks since all you are doing is loading textures into memory and then not doing anything with them. The way to change textures is through resource packs. If you want to do it programatically, you would need to do something like addPackFinder() to Minecraft.getResourcePackRepositry() Then whenever you want to change things, force a reload of the resource manager (on the main render thread) using Minectaft.reloadResourcePacks() like the debug key does.
  14. Check you have the latest version then contact the modpack or mod author.
  15. There is no real error in that log. You likely have the real error on your server's console. I would guess it is related to this: i..e. one of your mods has a broken mixin, but instead of logging the error it is crashing the game. The error looks to be one of yours mods expecting a different version of the architectury mod? But it does not say which one.
  16. https://github.com/MasterJ-06/Neutron_Galaxy/blob/479db614313108816c32690f68c8d1eff2a7614f/src/main/java/neutrongalaxy/masterj/neutrongalaxy/events/ClientEvents.java#L31 That is also probably wrong. That "launch" is in a static field, but is clearly dependent upon a specific game/save data. If the user switches from one save to another you will leak that data across the different saves. You also have no mechanism to save that state when the player logs out. Maybe that is not important in this case? In general, don't use static fields that are not effectively immutable. This is only a boolean, but if you do it with other data you will likely cause memory leaks or worse. If you really must use a static field (try to avoid it), have some way to reset/refresh the data when the client logs in and out of a game save. e.g. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/01846c729a21c13cb86447c4e233b83a314b6856/src/main/java/net/minecraftforge/client/event/ClientPlayerNetworkEvent.java#L75
  17. Post the logs/debug.log
  18. One of your mods or datapacks has broken data in its datapack I would guess from the contents of the data it is the stoneholm mod? Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  19. You know the tick happens on both the client and server? You have code in your tick() that could only work client side. It will crash on a dedicated server. e.g. unconditionally sending packets to the server, referencing LocalPlayer. This code only sets the data in the client. The entity data only gets sent from the server to the client when it changes on the server. https://github.com/MasterJ-06/Neutron_Galaxy/blob/479db614313108816c32690f68c8d1eff2a7614f/src/main/java/neutrongalaxy/masterj/neutrongalaxy/events/ClientEvents.java#L42 It's not going to send the data to the server, so the server won't know the rocket is launched. You need a network packet for client -> server. I haven't tried to understand the logic of what you are doing, but I would guess what is actually happening is you are only moving the rocket on the client, while on the server it isn't moving at all (it never got told about the launch). Since the server is the real data, eventualy it will correct the client and voila, you are back on the ground. Read this: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Sides
  20. Post a link to your logs/debug.log and if it is not responding, post a thread dump https://www.baeldung.com/java-thread-dump so we can see which mod is "looping".
  21. You can try to raise it as a real bug report here: https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge But I guess it would be more likely to get fixed if you submitted a PR? https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/forgedev/
  22. Why are you reporting a "bug" in Mojang's code? I am not saying there aren't any bugs in Mojang's code. 🙂
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