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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. You have to delete the default configs once after updating to make Forge regenerate the file.
  2. You have to save it to NBT. Overwrite the writeToNBT method and save the NBTTagCompound resulting from the ItemStackHandler's serializeNBT method. Overwrite the readToNBT method and load the data by getting the NBTTagCompound from the NBTTagCompound parameter and passing it into ItemStackHandler's deserializeNBT method.
  3. Your should be extending the base TileEntity, and you only need an ItemStackHandler for the inventory. Override hasCapability and getCapability to allow other blocks to interact with your inventory.
  4. Best and simplest way: use an ItemStackHandler with the IItemHandler capability.
  5. Where should we report issues? I assume GitHub?
  6. It's called "cargo cult programming". Basically, because someone did it that way once, other people started copying it because that's the only way the That's because in your development environment both the client and server code is available. When you install your mod on the client, you also have both client and server code available. However, when your mods get installed on the server, the client code is missing and your mod will crash the server because it cannot find those files. (Docs) There's no single tutorial that does everything correctly, because there's more than 1 way to do something correctly. However, there are some things (like CommonProxy) which are fundamentally wrong and shouldn't be used at all. That's the problem with YouTube tutorials.
  7. It's on a hidden page so developers can test it without 'normal' users installing an beta version of Forge onto their game.
  8. That would make all the booleans false by default.
  9. DuckDuckGo, an alternative search engine like Google.
  10. Make Block#isOpaqueCube return false.
  11. No, but the side is important here. You see 2 messages because one is from the client and one from the server. The solution is in the "Performing Side-Specific Operations" portion.
  12. Like I told you before, please keep this forum in english. You can extend BlockRotatedPillar to create a pillar block.
  13. We can't help if we don't know what you want. "I'm thirsty!" "What do you want to drink?" "I'm not telling you, just get the drink I want" See, that doesn't make sense. If you want our help, tell us what you want to achieve. Otherwise, you're on your own.
  14. https://github.com/search?q=RenderPlayerEvent&type=Code Here are a lot of examples. Could've found these yourself...
  15. Try clicking the "Import Changes" at the bottom-right and the refresh button on the Gradle menu.
  16. No. We won't be writing your code for you. https://mcforge.readthedocs.io/en/latest/events/intro/ This is what you need to get started with events. Look for open source mods that use the RenderPlayer event for examples.
  17. Most likely: 1 youtube tutorial did it that way, and everybody blindly copies it without thinking about it.
  18. You can. You just won't get support here.
  19. 1.7.10 is no longer supported on this forum. Update.
  20. Override Item#hasContainerItem and Item#getContainerItem.
  21. Please keep this forum in English. Minecraft nor Forge has a system in place for rendering animations from an SMD file. You'd have to make your own parser, just like Pixelmon.
  22. It's a VM argument, you append it to the java -jar ... line in your run script.
  23. Learn Java. Learn Java. Learn Java. Learn Java.
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