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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. 1.6.4 is no longer supported by Forge. Update to 1.10.2 or 1.11.2. If you really have to use this (you don't), ask the author of the mod for help. But he will most likely tell the same thing.
  2. Well, make sure you are both using the latest version. The error is caused by the mod trying to do something (casting) which is not possible (casting String to boolean).
  3. This is a problem with MoCreatures, report it to the author.
  4. Problem with CustomNPS, report it to the author.
  5. Item.getItemFromBlock(Block) will return the ItemBlock instance of the Block.
  6. Just be sure to use metadata/blockstates, and not every variant it's own ID. This will significantly decrease the amount of IDs you use.
  7. No, this is the complete total of the game. May I ask why you are using that much Block IDs? Note: if you are talking about the IDs in your inventory, they are the IDs of the ItemBlocks, which are Items.
  8. IIRC, 4096 for Blocks and, ~32000 for Items.
  9. Well, if you want to decompile the mod for 1.10.2, you should have a 1.10.2 workspace setup to use.
  10. As long as you have permission of the author (which you seem like you have), you should decompile it using BON2. I think it does require you to have a Forge dev environment already setup for it to find the MCP mappings.
  11. The FoamFix-lawful edition is not a coremod, while the anarchy edition is. See this.
  12. You can add --username YourUserName to the program arguments to set your username in-game. If you want to actually log in to your account, add--password YourPassword to the program arguments.
  13. You can use these coordinates to determine the smaller and bigger coordinate of each axis, and check if the player's position is the coordinates.
  14. You return false in ContainerFluxedStomper#canInteractWith.
  15. Please post your IGuiHandler.
  16. You'd have to make a custom implementation of IResourcePack, add it to Minecraft#defaultResourcePack (you'll need reflection), which can return any InputStream you want.
  17. You don't have to register a ResourceLocation. You just bind it with TextureManager#bindTexture, and that does everything for you. You can make a different ResourceLocation anytime you want, and it loads it for you. A ResourceLocation takes 2 arguments: a modid and a texture location. So new ResourceLocation("modid", "path/to/texture.png") will point to a texture in assets/modid/path/to/texture.png.
  18. Only the Block and Item textures are stored in a texture atlas. Armor, entity and GUI textures use a ResourceLocation. See TextureManager#bindTexture to see how it works.
  19. Just to clear things up a bit: if with IDs you Block IDs, use my suggestion. If you were talking about your own IDs like RFTools, use Choonster's suggestion.
  20. Try setting Minecraft#renderViewEntity to your Entity using the setter.
  21. They were most likely carried over from before the migration.
  22. You shouldn't use IDs, as those may not be the same every time you use them. You should either store a Block/IBlockState instance, and save the registry key/metadata to NBT when you need to. Why did you want to use IDs over anything else in the first place?
  23. This is not your gui handler.
  24. You should really use the method Choonster suggested, as NBT should only be used for saving to disk, not getting data from an Entity.
  25. new ModelResourceLocation("modexample:" + BlocksRegister.OIL.getRegistryName(), "fluid"); You still add your modid to the registry name, which already includes your modid, Right now, you have "modexample:modexample:oil". Makes sense it can't find it. As said before, fix that.
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