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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. Subscribe to the HarvestDropsEvent, which will give you access to drops and the harvester. More info on events here.
  2. Gui#drawTexturedModalRect expects your image to be 256x256 pixels. Use GuiScreen#drawModalRectWithCustomSizedTexture with the last 2 arguments being the texture width and height.
  3. Well, you'd still call TileEntity#hasCapability/TileEntity#getCapability the same way, you'd just have to get the TileEntity to interact in a different way, which is probably just the Block in front of the Entity.
  4. I use Java 8 default methods for that, so I only have to implement the methods I need and no need for blank ones. But yeah, you still need a separate server proxy for that. "Because some copy-paste tutorial I copied without thinking about it told me to."
  5. 1) There are almost no things you have to do server-side. I haven't encountered anything that had to be server-only. 2) You mean the server proxy as "CommonProxy" and the client proxy extending that. In the old days, a lot of tutorials did it that way, and that is just how it stayed in popular mods, as it was just how they learned it. I prefer the proxy interface with 2 classes extending it. For me, it makes more sense, as the client and server proxy should only have code for that side, and not "common" code, as that defeats the purpose of proxies.
  6. You can interact with inventories using the IItemHandler capability on a Block's TileEntity. You can read more about capabilities here. And no, you don't need a fake player or other entity next to the inventories for them to work.
  7. I'm sorry to say, but that isn't a reason to not update. There are plenty of mods for a newer version, or replacements, which are in most cases even better.
  8. First of all, this is an English forum, please make your posts in English next time. Second, 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge. Please update if you want support.
  9. Instead, you can "like" a post on the right of the replies.
  10. You can't store booleans inside the Block class, you need to store it in metadata/properties. And what is actualState? And why do you call getActualState in onBlockActivated?
  11. First of all, this is an English forum, please post in English Google translate results: You should be a bit more specific about your issues What are you trying to do? BTW, you didn't attach an image.
  12. "front": "#inactive", "inactive": "roboticraft:blocks/purifier_front_inactive", You assign the front texture to the inactive texture before the inactive texture is assigned. This may be the issue, but not 100% sure.
  13. You can change every notification setting here: http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/notifications/options/
  14. Seeing there used to be a lot of people having trouble with the loading screen not working with their Intel GPU, and the line ending with LWJGL loading up, that was the first thing coming up. And I haven't heard anything from crashes related to the NVIDIA drivers, so that didn't come to mind immediately. So I apologize for trying to help.
  15. Ok, now override the getRenderLayer method.
  16. You are trying to override the constructor... You have to override the getRenderLayer method.
  17. No, you have to override the method, not call it.
  18. Override Block#getBlockLayer to return BlockRenderLayer.TRANSLUCENT.
  19. Your textures reference in the model should be prefixed with "modid:".
  20. It is the top post, and yes, it is pinned. It basically says to go to config/splash.properties and set enabled to false.
  21. Try disabling the loading screen as described in the EAQ.
  22. Make a new instance of ScaledResolution, get the scaled width/height and use that as the screen size.
  23. Well, you can pass in every instance of one of the subclasses of World.
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