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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. java.lang.NullPointerException at com.morethings.morethingsmod.morethingsmod.preinit(morethingsmod.java:139) ~[bin/:?] What's on line 139 in morethingsmod.java ?
  2. So this is giving you an error? @Override public TileEntity createTileEntity(World world, int meta) { return new TileEntityCable(); } It should work if it's like that. You still have the hasTileEntity method?
  3. Why can't you use the already existing FMLLog ?
  4. Ah, now I see the issue. You have called your method createNewTileEntity while it should be createTileEntity . In the future, add the @Override annotation to all your methods you expect to override a method, as it will throw an error if the method doesn't exist in one of the super classes.
  5. You need to have the public boolean hasTileEntity(int meta) in your block class and make it return true.
  6. FMLLog.getLogger() returns a org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger , and you use a java.util.logging.Logger .
  7. Then the only other thing that can be null on that line is cable . Can you post your full block class?
  8. No, the connections array is null, so when trying to access connections[3] , it will throw a NPE.
  9. Closed. No need for multiple threads for the same thing.
  10. Closed. No need for multiple threads for the same thing.
  11. 1) Update to 1.7.10, 1.6.4 is old. 2) java.lang.NullPointerException at net.minecraft.world.biome.WorldChunkManager.getTemperatures(WorldChunkManager.java:121) Place a breakpoint on that line 121 in WorldChunkManager.java and inspect all the values that could possibly be null, and the trace back the code to figure out why it's null.
  12. Maybe you can use RenderBlocks#renderBlockAsItem(block,metadata,1F) ?
  13. 1) java.lang.NullPointerException at common.zeroquest.events.FOVEvent.FOVUpdate(FOVEvent.java:14) ~[FOVEvent.class:?] Something is null on line 14 in the FOVEvent class. 2) if(Constants.DEF_DARKLOAD == true) What..?
  14. Wood: Blocks.log (oak,birch,jungle,spruce) or Blocks.log2 (acacia,dark oak). Suger Canes: Blocks.reeds . Redstone Dust: Items.redstone .
  15. What...? Use Item.getItemFromBlock(Block) to get the corresponding Item.
  16. That's the simplest way to do that.
  17. The second line will cause a NPE.
  18. To remove the ghost item, only spawn the EntityItem only on the server ( !world.isRemote ).
  19. This topic has been moved to Minecraft General. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=26926.0[/iurl]
  20. Mod-ID most be lowercase.
  21. Not gonna download a random file from the internet. Make a GitHub for your mod.
  22. Those are also cached in a central location.
  23. tt]Thread.sleep(100)[/code]] stops the whole game, not just the block placing. You need to count ticks if you want a delay between breaking the blocks.
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