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Everything posted by kiou.23

  1. I've got an entity that I wish to render using an obj model. The entity is a ProjectileItemEntity, and I've already got the obj model working for the item. I tried to render my entity with the same Item Renderer, but the model wouldn't rotate with the entity, and instead would always face the player, which doesn't work for me since I need my entity to rotate around
  2. I don't know as I don't use eclipse
  3. that's a bug with eclipse: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=558286 re-importing the gradle project should fix it
  4. say what you did, post your code, and post the entire log
  5. if you're new to java, minecraft modding is a pretty tough first-project, if you already have experience with similar OOP languages,, like C#, learning Java as you go isn't that hard, but if not, I'd suggest taking some time to understand java by itself before diving into modding the maven naming convention is just a convention on how to name your packages, it should usually be under a domain you own (like a website), but backwards, and then the project. and if you don't own a domain, you can use your github account: https://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-naming-conventions.html, but don't worry too much about it if you can't find a tutorial for a supported version, silentchaos512 has a pretty good and updated series over on youtube for 1.16 I can recommend
  6. oh, 1.13 isn't supported anymore update to 1.15 or 1.16
  7. what do you mean "won't appear"? the forge mdk comes with a default examplemod under src/main/java, but it is not necessary, you can create your own package, following the maven package naming conventions, and put your mod there
  8. that works... but makes the code really hard to mantain and expand upon, imagine you add 50 logs, you'd have 50 else-if statements? the best solution I already told you 2 times, and now the 3rd: simply pass the stripped block to the constructor, and return it in the getToolModifiedState also, you're not checking if the tool is an axe, so any tool would be able to strip the log block EDIT: also, if you need to look up something this basic on github, maybe you should take some time to learn programming beforehand, that'll really make your life modding easier
  9. yes? you already have the class you called CustomLog, it's the same thing isn't it?
  10. the first way I thought of is to take a supplier of the stripped block in the constructor, and then return that in the proper method
  11. of course, because you're registering the same class, and in the class you harcoded it to return acacia what you can do is to write one class per log block or make a StrippableLog class, which takes a supplier of the block you want to return in the constructor
  12. make your own thread, explain your issue further, and post the full log
  13. you should be getting mods from the curseforge website then simply put the .jar files inside the .minecraft/mods folder
  14. the class for the block you want to make stripabble
  15. public static void generateOres(final BiomeLoadingEvent event) { if (!(event.getCategory().equals(Biome.Category.NETHER) || event.getCategory().equals(Biome.Category.THEEND))) { buildOreFeature(BlockInit.BERYLORE.get(), Blocks.GRASS, 10, 0, 100, 20); } } you're not actually adding the features to the biome, the return value of your method is just getting ignored, in mcp the method that you call is BiomeGenerationSettingsBuilder#withFeature, in mojmaps I don't know private static ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> buildOreFeature(Block ore, Block filler, int maxVeinSize, int minVeinLevel, int maxVeinLevel, int spawnRate) { ConfiguredFeature<?, ?> feature = Feature.ORE.configured(new OreFeatureConfig(new BlockMatchRuleTest(filler), ore.defaultBlockState(), maxVeinSize)); feature = minMaxRange(feature, minVeinLevel, maxVeinLevel).squared(); feature = feature.count(spawnRate); return feature; } this is not how you should create a ConfiguredFeature 1- I suggest you keep each feature in a static field 2- you need to actually Register the feature, or the game won't know about it, you can do so by calling Registry.register, and registering your feature to the Configured Features registry which can be found under the class WorldGenRegistries 3- you can chain the count, squared and so on methods, it'll make your code look cleaner MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.addListener(EventPriority.HIGH, ModOreGen::generateOres); There's no need set it to a high priority, and you're registering the listener to the wrong event bus
  16. there isn't a function that does that already. however writing your own helper function shouldn't be that hard don't forget to handle the case when the ItemStacks contain different Items, or Items with non-64 maximum stack sizes
  17. https://github.com/TheGreyGhost/MinecraftByExample/tree/master/src/main/java/minecraftbyexample/mbe12_item_nbt_animate I guess you could start there, but "nbt examples" is very vague. nbts can be used for a lot of stuff, what you want is the methods to put values in tags, and recover values from tags
  18. post the complete log, and say what you want to accomplish in a clearer and more objective way
  19. method signatures did not change, only method names, due to the mappings change if the method has a different signature, it may not be the method that you are looking for
  20. The BrewingStand har checks if the fuel is the Blaze Powder item, you can see it in the BrewingStandTileEntity class so I assume the only way to get around this would be to replace the vanilla brewing stand
  21. it'd be helpful both for you and other people, if you told how
  22. remove the .git directory that you should have created before in your src/main/java (I assume) then try again
  23. intialize the repo in the directory which contains the build.gradle that directory should also have a .gitignore which will make sure you don't push anything you shouldn't to github
  24. actually, disregard the RegistryEvent thingy
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