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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. And since this is still 1.12 he should use textures/items
  2. No, this is not why it works. It is because Forge's Mod Loader system is currently processing his mod that this works it has nothing to do with the registry or EventSubscribers. What they are doing may actually break because they are using static initializers.
  3. No, what they have works. Forge will automatically append your modid yo this since it is loading your mod.
  4. Read my last post, it gives you the directions you need and if you can't follow them i dont know what else to do.
  5. Ok this is my last post on this topic, and potentially on any of your other topics. Your file path needs to be assets.modid.models.item assets.modid.models.block assets.modid.textures.items assets.modid.textures.blocks
  6. Your models point to rc:textures/items. But not rc:textures/item where your files actually are. There needs to be an "s" after an the item.
  7. Your model path is rc:models/items while it should be rc:models/item There shouldn't be an "s" after item.
  8. If the paths all match then I dont know what your problem is. Since that is the error in the log.
  9. Ignore the second one and solve the rest by checking out their file locations, if they don't match fix that.
  10. Did you read this one? If so did you find the "caused by" lines?
  11. How am I supposed to send the newest one if you never posted it...
  12. Make your own class that extends MultiPartEntity part and override the interact method(processInitialInteract). And use that as the instance for your parts.
  13. That's not what the log said, that is what I said. The log is the console, or the very long amount of text you have been posting this whole time.
  14. @Avanyt And did you read the log?
  15. IC2 is the name of a mod, its modid is industrialcraft2. TiC is the name of a mod, its modid is tconstruct. Reason being short modids are a bad problem because there may be another mod out there with the id rc, ab, or cd. This would cause forge's mod loader system to crash. You are programming get used to writing a lot.
  16. You specify As the path and not rc:items/ which is where all your actual textures are. So you have two options Learn how to read the log messages and find your errors, and change your file path to be rc:item/ Learn how to read the log messages and find your errors, and change the path in your json to be rc:items/ Also rc is a terrible modid, its so short.
  17. It should be "minecraft:item/generated" not "minecraft:items/generated" This needs to be changed in your model json.
  18. What? If there is an error post it.
  19. Well do you want it to freely move around the world/like a minecart? Or will it be stationary like a model train? Use a custom entity for the first one which can be rendered with any of the proposed methods, though a Java model file might be easiest to implement. But if you feel you need to go back and study a bit more that is fine.
  20. You could take a look at my Shard Compressor it uses a custom recipe system that I will later implement to use the json format. Overall the actual furnace code is a mess and is made so much simpler by a forge addition, the IItemHandler. It greatly simplifies the code you have to write in the update method.
  21. Yes. And does it have to be non cuboud? If not I reccomend using the animation system along with a json and you will need a Tile Entity for this either way.
  22. You will need to scale it down in your modeling program nothing bigger than a block.
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