The package is net.minecraft.block not net.minecraftforge.block It is Minecraft code, Mojang allows modding, but the only way to mod something is to interact with there code. In this case Forge provides code that you can look at, but not edit. And applies some changes though asm, and patches so you can view them.
Ummm no, this should remove your error
public void registerItemRender(Item item, int meta, String id) {
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, meta, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), id));
public class ItemExample extends Item {
private int burnTime; // This is a field/variable created in a class not a local field/varaible.
// You should take an int into your constructor that allows that this field is set to.
// And then override getItemBurnTime and return this value
Your IDE should be saying that this is an error because getItemBurnTime takes an ItemStack not an int.
And this is a local variable instead of a class field. This should be returned in getItemBurnTime.
If you were to look at GameRegistry.addFuelHandler it would point you to Item#getItemBurnTIme which is a method you need to override in your Item class.
I see you have some custom Biome(s) and Dimension(s) theses are probably what is causing it. What was the last thing you did before it crashed. And based on the crash report either the WorldProvider or the ChunkManager for your Dimension is null.
Then to do this you will want to create a custom implementation of IRecipeFactory and read a modified recipe json that applies an enchantment or multiple enchantments. And then return an IRecipe that has the result with the enchantment. And then for the creative tab Item you need to call setHasSubtypes(true) in your Items constructor. And then override getSubItems() which will add an ItemStack that has the enchantment on it, and only adds it if the creative tab matches.