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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. The BlockState path doesn't have a blocks folder in it, and all of the model paths have a block and item folder, but not a blocks and items folder.
  2. If you use the Forge provided ItemStack sensitive version of getAttributeModifiers you get an ItemStack parameter. With an ItemStack parameter you can use ItemStack#getCapability in which you could get the data. And in what way would you need the player? The AttachCapabilityEvent is indeed the way to register it.
  3. If I remember correctly Forge doesn't have any Retrogen API so to say. I think the only way to do this would be to subscribe to the ChunkEvent.Load event and save that to the disk somehow and load chunks from that file into a List. Cross reference that list in the Load event and then generate the ores if it is not in that list.
  4. Your paths are wrong, Item Model: assets\'modid'\models\item Block Model: assets\'modid'\models\block BlockState: assets\'modid'\blockstates
  5. You will have to make multiple blocks because Minecraft doesnt handle Collision boxes greater than 1x1x1 and fence had to go through so much stuff just to handle a height of 1.5.
  6. Does it have to be with the NBTTagCompound? Why cant you just use an ItemStack variable? And if you need to figure it out and use NBT then just look at the ItemStack constructor that takes in an NBTTagCompound and only an NBTTagCompound or the writeToNBT method.
  7. Have you tried running it through your IDEs debugger? Or even adding some printlns?
  8. When the world is loaded TE's have readFromNBT called and if the tag doesn't exist then it will return a default value for numbers that is 0. And then when the world will call writeToNBT at certain points and then save the tag making it exist, but it will be set to 0 because it was read as 0. So to check if the tag is there use NBTTagCompound#hasTag(String)
  9. You need to edit the run configurations and go into the classpath and add your project, or you have put your mod in the improper place in the forge project so it is not loaded.
  10. The building of a system, you need to know how your energy will work. Is it going to be pipe based or wireless? If it is pipe based you need to know how to transfer that energy between pipes, will you store it in a single pipe, if you have pipes connected from one place to another and break one connection in the middle what happens, how do you separate the pipe system? If you plan on it being wireless how will you send it, in an area, through whitelisting, or through the player like extra utils?
  11. What you need to do is in your processInteract method when you call openGui instead of passing an x position you should pass getEntityID(). Then when you construct your Container and Gui pass World#getEntityBy/FromID(x)
  12. Apply a AttributeModifier to the Player using EntityPlayer.addAttributeModifier (or similar method name).
  13. You can create a new ToolMaterial field using EnumHelper.addToolMaterial
  14. Look at the method in the class it belongs to. The comments above the method are known as the javadoc.
  15. Try looking at the Javadoc for the method.
  16. The second state needs to be the one gotten from the world.
  17. I believe the first one and if i am wrong others please correct me.
  18. You will need to mark the block for an update specifically the client. World#markBlockForUpdate (I think that is the name at least it is similar).
  19. No your state, not the IGrowable. In the while loop the state you pass into the method needs to be updated so use the worlds state at the BlockPos.
  20. I would use packets or somehow set the server side container for both players to the same one.
  21. It gets stuck in an infinite loop at the while because it is using the same state everytime instead you should get the state from the World field and BlockPos field.
  22. You cant just declare a variable and expect it to not be null. Your te field in your GuiHandler is never initialized so you need to get the Entity somehow. Maybe using some raytracing?
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