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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Why are you passing null for the first parameter?
  2. 1.7 is no longer supported here as soon as a moderator sees this thread it will be locked and you will be asked to update.
  3. I tried that earlier today and didn't helped either... Unless I did it wrong. Like this? block_aim_furnace.json (on assets/aim/blockstates) { "variants": { "facing=north": { "model": "aim:block_aim_furnace" }, "facing=south": { "model": "aim:block_aim_furnace", "y": 180 }, "facing=west": { "model": "aim:block_aim_furnace", "y": 270 }, "facing=east": { "model": "aim:block_aim_furnace", "y": 90 }, "inventory": { "model": "aim:block_aim_furnace" } } } Try a posting the log.
  4. What is the behavior as im pretty sure that ContainerRepair/SlotRepair (i think that is a thing) handles the subtracting, though i do agree that the player should be passed. About the pull request i think you just need to specify what you are changing and provide the code.
  5. If I have read through the code correctly then increasing updateFrequency should increase the time (please correct me if I am wrong provide location in code please). Considering it uses % to check aka updateCounter % updateFrequency == 0 send packet. This will make it smoother, but that is De-syncing the entity as the entity is not receiving many position updates. But this should be ignored if it is airborne or it is dirty(needing to be saved). The 128(trackingRange) is definitely good because if you look at Minecraft entities they go up to 256(EntityEnderCrystal). While some do go over 20 that includes EntityHanging, EntityAreaEffectCloud, and EntityEnderCrystal they all use the value of Integer.MAX_VALUE (aka. 2,147,483,647). This is probably because hanging entities do not need position updates, (not quite sure what EntityAreaEffectCloud is), and EntityEnderCrystal also only needs one sync. They only need one because they do not move at least not normally.
  6. I feel as if my answer was kinda pushed to the side.... Maybe I should ask my question Why do you need the player? Are you trying to grab player information(capability data) or just to check creative mode? Or are you just going to check if Player is not creative then change the data. Because as I said vanilla behavior most likely means grab recipe for anvil.
  7. Jaeblar has a slight outline of Capabilities http://jabelarminecraft.blogspot.com/p/minecraft-17x.html
  8. Hmmmmmm really then.
  9. Sounds like you might just want to use metadata...unless there is just a thing you want specifically from the property.
  10. Armor texture is handled in LayerArmorBase in which it references getArmorTexture(...) and the ArmorMaterial. Look at the constructor you are trying to use mainly the second int you pass in and look at what the constructor is looking for and Define "does not work anymore".
  11. Are you asking how to point it to your modid path just insert your MODID then a :. *Edit I meant in the ArmorMaterial String.
  12. I think it might be an error as back before blockstates they set the block once (if memory serves me well enough).
  13. The ArmorMaterial takes in a second String this String is the name of the armors texture without _layer_0/1 at the end.
  14. If you mean this look at the constructor it tell you what you have done wrong.
  15. An if you learn more visually you can check out my new tutorial (my first one) for 1.10.2 i currently am not able to producr anything else, but if i get the time to do so i will.
  16. Where is the object hierarchy window? In eclipse it is called the outline
  17. Which constructor are you using? You should be using the one that takes in two floats.
  18. The only thing I can think of for this would be to subscribe to ClientTickEvent and use the Minecraft...theWorld field to check the surrounding area (look for a certain player somehow). Then maybe use something like reflection if necessary to gain access to private or protected fields. You would need to access that players renderer and then grab the main model and then grab the swingProgress variable from the arm model. Not sure if that is even possible, but that should point you to the right direction.
  19. What material are pellet blocks? If they are Material.WOOD then they will have a value and it will not reach the Forge IFuelHandler reference.
  20. You need to either GlStateManager.disableLighting() or GLStateManager.enableLighting() I believe it is the former, but if your TE does not update dynamically do not use a TESR instead use the JSON model system or IBakedModels.
  21. I believe by vanilla behavior it means looking for the repair recipe. There fore you do not need to have a player variable.
  22. What are you talking about "line of code for armor"? Could you be more specific.
  23. What version is this for and why do you need cps on server side?
  24. Here's my code. I hope I did it right. I got an error message on new ModelResourceLocation(chainMail.getRegistryName()); It says, "The constructor ModelResourceLocation(ResourceLocation) is undefined". What do I do now? The constructor your using takes a string and your giving it a ResourceLocation. All you have to do is add a comma and add the string "inventory" after the comma like so: ModelResourceLocation chainMailLocation = new ModelResourceLocation(chainMail.getRegistryName(), "inventory"); or do what Draco18s suggested I tried both of them. It fixed the compiler error, but the item still has no texture when I run the game. Post updated code and JSONs.
  25. Couldn't you just bypass this whole thing by not extending BlockCrops and instead making your own class the is BlockCrops. You can just override onBlockActivated(...) assuming they do not cancel the event and just destroy the block there as it would be placed before onBlockActivate(...) is called after the event.
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