Did you fully read my tutorial because is seems you just copied my armatures file. And you don't need to have two separate models for animated and non-animated while using the animation system. The animation system allows you to animate specific section of your model or multiple sections of your model. So you can just tell all the parts of the wheel in the model to rotate around a specific axis.
SIde note has nothing to do with your actual problem, but this is a terrible modid. Make it longer, don't use an acronym. Because someone else could come along with the same acronym for a different mod. Then they won't be compatible. ?
Probably not the best option ya know.
Taking a little peaksie into RangedBowAttackGoal it seems to wait for the bow to be ready to fire just like how the player does you can see this on line 129-130. So your option is to either extend RangedBowAttackGoal/Goal(parent class) and implement your own cooldown of sorts. OR create your own bow for the skeleton to use that has it's own cooldown set to a lower value. I like this option because it gives a drop for the SkeletonKing to drop.
Are we talking a single piece of armor or multiple pieces of armor? If it is multiple just detect when they are both not on, the player can't remove 2-4 pieces of armor easily in one tick without the use of an external mod. And then at that point it isn't your fault.
With capabilities there is no mark dirty and the data is written and read when the object in question is written and read.
If the event fires only on the server and the client needs to know about the data change send the info. The only information the client should ever have to send to the server is hey I'm using this input because otherwise cheaty behavior can happen.
Look at the classes in question. 1.14 is still partially obfuscated I think. So not all classes will have proper method names or field names etc. And only some methods will have javadocs. You can check out the forge documentation website for info on specific things that have been documented there like capabilities and events.
You may want to set the chunk to the chunk you are in.You can get it from the IWorld parameter using the BlockPos parameter you were given.
Where are they located?