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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Override the getDrops method in your block class and add the ItemStacks you want to be dropped to the List passed in as the parameter.
  2. Make a Block Make a TileEntity Give Block TileEntity Spawn Block in world with tileentity that has its contents determined via loot table.
  3. What he means by this is, try to append .obj to the end of your path in the model resource location.
  4. As stated above, but use the Item#getContainerItem(ItemStack) version. And return a cloned ItemStack with its damage increased.
  5. Oh, well then no you cant use it. I didnt know if it was protected or not.
  6. Change this to IBlockState state. Then for the I'd do Block.getStateID(state) The only other thing you need to do after changing those things is spawn the particle in the world.
  7. Using a pool might be a good optimization later. But I don't see a reason for your Vec3 class to store doubles. The values dont ever seem to have decimals.
  8. Maybe not sure. Well in 1.7.10 it was Vec3.createVectorHelper however this doesn't appear to exist in 1.12.2. Maybe it isn't used anymore. What are you using it for?
  9. He was registering them in a different way than you were. If you register an instance of the class they can't be static, but if you register the class itself or use the @EventBusSubscriber on the top of the class then the methods must be static.
  10. Use Minecraft.getMinecraft().player To get an EntityPlayer instance since you are client side only this will work. Then you have to get the pieces of armor that the player is wearing there is a method for it and it takes in a EntityEquipmentSlot parameter.
  11. This should work.Can you post more code maybe its something else that is causing it to do that.
  12. If you put the annotation on the class the field name must match the registry name. IE if the registry name is "block_test" the field name needs to be block_test or BLOCK_TEST.
  13. No not really, its not that performance intensive to do.
  14. Sadly not without ray tracing yourself.
  15. A door is actually too blocks(states). Also we cant help you if you dont post your code, preferably on git or some other code sharing site.
  16. You dont have your modid here so it will look under assets/minecraft/... to fix this do modid:fileName Second problem is it needs to be all lowercase.
  17. This is not what this forum is for. This is a round about way of asking us to write your mod for you. If you need ideas go to a different sub forum or the minecraft forums. If you need a list of Gems ask google.
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