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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Sorry I don't know how to fix this and I don't wanna spend time getting the source code for that old of a version of Minecraft to look for it and you have mods that change the code(Core Mods). Best I can tell you is that something with the Item Frames is causing your crash. My best guess is ChunkAnimator is causing your problem, but I wouldn't know.
  2. Yes, yes you have. You should probably get some programming experience first. Or if you are dead set on doing this you won't really get help here because we don't like to have to teach Java to people.
  3. Do you know the Java language or is Minecraft Modding your first venture?
  4. Minecraft Forums probably supports this version, but I have already given you the problem. Just figure out which mod(s) is client side only.
  5. Not supported on this forums anymore, but it looks like one of your mods is client side only and is being loaded on the server.
  6. This doesn't actually look like it has a crash report in it. Plus 1.7.10 is so unbelievably old at this point that we do not support it anymore. As far as I am aware 1.11 and up are what is supported probably gonna move up a version here soon.
  7. No that is not what I said. You need to actually smelt the item when that condition is true.
  8. if (this.smeltTime >= this.maxSmeltTime)
  9. You never ever check if the time passed smelting is high enough and you also never check if the furnace has fuel in your trySmeltItem method.
  10. Not sure if you are asking for help or not...but if you want help we need to see the code for your TE.
  11. This tells you how long the cooldown should be not how long has passed.
  12. Oh I see now. But that kinda brings back an old issue we had pre 1.10(I think). Where you had to know which bus you needed to use.
  13. You are using the FORGE event bus instead of the MOD one.
  14. Use TallBlockItem
  15. Define not working as expected have you tried outputting values to the console? Specifically to determine where the execution stops and the values of the variables to determine why it stopped.
  16. Use Entity#processInteract to open the gui exactly how they show you for a TileEntity. Create a ContainerGui and a Container exactly how they do for a TE. They are exactly the same.
  17. Not entirely sure, but in eclipse there is a "folder" in the Package Explorer called Referenced Libraries where you can find a jar called forge-1.14.4-28.0.(some snapshot mappings)-1.14.3.jar You can look in that, however for some reason on eclipse I can't view all of the source(not linked) so I went to the file location and opened it with Winrar.
  18. Look in the code. That's how I find all of my events.
  19. There has to be a method that tells the feature where to place the blocks. Maybe it's not even in the Placement, but the name sure does make me think it is. In that method you need some algorithm to find water around a random point and select that one. Or you could implement this algorithm in the feature if you really want to.
  20. Since you removed it from the class you need to put it on every Item field.
  21. I see the problem after a little time debugging. Item#hitEntity is called after the LivingEntity#ticksSinceLastSwing is reset to 0. So using PlayerEntity#getCooledAttackStrength won't work. Your best bet is to either create a capability to store an integer in either your Item/ItemStack or the player. I suggest the player if you are going to use the cooldown more than once. And just count the ticks since a swing.
  22. This is probably your best option at this point, I'm not sure of any other mods using this. You register it the same way you would with an Item or a Block.And many examples through I believe you know how to register Items and Blocks. i highly doubt it 1.13/1.14 are still relatively new, but it wouldn't hurt to check out Choonsters github, maybe even Draco18s.
  23. Just from a quick look at the source files for Decorators. It looks like you are gonna need a Placement object which is an ForgeRegistryEntry so don't forget to register it. And somewhere in this you have to check for surrounding water at a BlockPos and change the blocks how you want to.
  24. Your problem is here. if (player.getCooledAttackStrength(0) == 0.0F) { 0.0F would be it hasn't recharged at all 1.0F would be fully recharged and 0.5F would be half of full
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