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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. Subscribe to the RenderGameOverlayEvent.Chat and render what you want there. You may have to render everything including the text to get the desired effect.
  2. Did you update the mods manually? If so you may need to update the forge version that the modpack is using.
  3. Please don't necropost. This is 5 years old.
  4. You can't and shouldn't. You will have to create these manually, and you cannot use the IFluidHandler interface without a TE for a Block. You will have to create an integer property that determines the level of the liquid and create different blocks for each fluid, not always possible. This will also prevent fluid pipes from interacting with your tanks, they check if the TE has the capability.
  5. Remove this line. blockState.addCollisionBoxToList(world, pos, new AxisAlignedBB(pos), all, player, false);
  6. You don't have to, Minecraft does their rendering in the RenderGlobal class at line 1996. However you can do whatever you want for your rendering.
  7. I don't understand your question.
  8. I'd like to say that you have definitely grown since you started. And that is how I started as well, and it is what made me decide my career path.
  9. This method is not needed if you have more than one collision box. This will apply the correct collision boxes. What you are pointing out is the selected bounding box. You have changed the collision bounding blocks. You can override getSelectedBoundingBox(IBlockState, World, BlockPos) To return an AxisAlignedBB to change the drawn outline. However, if you need to have more than one box drawn... And Finally, This isn't necessarily true. Anyone can get the "Forge Modder" tag if they want it. However I have probably spent more time within Forge/Minecraft code than he has. But I haven't done so longer than many more people on here, IE draco18s, diesieben07, etc. They definitely have also spent more time programming than myself.
  10. Define "did not work"
  11. Then you wouldn't know that anything below 1.9 is not supported on this forum anymore. You will need to update to receive support.
  12. Then he should get on here as well. Since he is the Dev. After looking at the code I dont see anything obvious. And it would help if I had where the baby was spawned at in the code.
  13. Yes that should work.
  14. You can call this again with another box.
  15. You probably cant return null in some of those methods in your command class. Also you should be using CommandBase not ICommand.
  16. This is correct.
  17. You'll use xStart, yStart, zStart, xEnd, yEnd, zEnd. 1 "pixel" is 1/16 and 2 "pixels" is 2/16
  18. It needs to return the collision box, an instance of AxisAlignedBB. Or if you need multiple boxes use addCollisionBoxToList(IBlockState, World, BlockPos, AxisAlignedBB, List<AxisAlignedBB>, @Nullable Entity, boolean) and add all of your collision boxes to that list with the other addCollisionBoxToList method within your Block class.
  19. override getCollisionBoundingBox(IBlockState, IBlockAccess, BlockPos) in your blocks class.
  20. I don' think that is true. At least after looking through some of the vanilla models.
  21. No, by the looks of it, it was made with Techne. It might be able to, haven't used BlockBench. Plus you don't know if the modeler used that program.
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