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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. No there isn't you are limited by Minecraft here/your FPS.
  2. Try adding another FF on to the front of your hexadecimal string.
  3. You cant render text in the event that isn't Text. There is a RenderGameOverlayEvent.Text.
  4. Try looking in the ItemStack class for a method or looking around in the minecraft or forge source code that has to deal with ItemStacks like the Container classes or ItemStackHandler class.
  5. This doesn't match the picture you posted.
  6. These if statements will never be true. Please learn how "==" works. You should be comparing the Items within the stacks instead of the ItemStacks.
  7. Post the content of the EULA and have you opened the eula.txt and changed false to true thereby agreeing the Mojang's eula
  8. Mojang however has outright stated that Forge is better than anything that they could make, though this was a while ago. But the Java edition as of now(presumably ever) will not get a Modding API. There are plans for bedrock edition to receive a Modding API.
  9. Instead of new ModelResourceLocation(Item#getRegistryName(), "inventory"); you will have to do new ModelResourceLocation(new ResourceLocation(modid, "folder/itemregistryname (without the modid)"), "inventory"); When you register your Item models.
  10. Don't use the exe version, it doesn't seem to work. Not sure why it even exists. How are you starting it, can you start a vanilla jar server?
  11. You also need to override TileEntity#getUpdateTag and TileEntity#handleUpdateTag
  12. LivingSpawnEvent.CheckSpawn is used to determine if an Entity can naturally spawn. Anything forced like the summon command or a spawn egg isn't confined to this. If you need to change something about an entity that is not your creation use the EntityJoinWorldEvent or EntityConstructingEvent.
  13. I have no idea. I didn't make the mod, nor do I know how they changed their code or when. But it happened to you in both 1.4.5 and 1.5.0-9... So maybe 1.4.2 will work for you. Until they fix it from your issue on github you will have to stick with 1.4.2
  14. Diesieben provided you with possible solutions instead of why it was happening. He already knew it was a problem with their code. He is a busy man so he doesn't have time to look for a reason why something is happening in a specific manner, like I just had too.
  15. Correct. Rotating a bounding box in code is not such an easy task for 3D rotation so I wouldn't recommend that.
  16. It's a problem with there code. They are assuming the player exists at a time when the player doesn't yet exist. This causes Minecraft to crash with the exception you currently have. Post an issue on their github here.
  17. Ok, now that we are seeing the same thing. You need to create a second bounding box and return the appropriate bounding box based on the IBlockState.
  18. Exactly my point, there are things the Mojang has done that could have been done better. This is one of those scenarios.
  19. If I'm understanding you correctly, here is my solution. Instead of making an IRecipeFactory that only works for this specific recipe/nbt data. Make a IRecipeFactory that handles all NBT data.
  20. You realize that even if you do make a custom IRecipeFactory you can still override it with another json, right?
  21. Create your own IRecipeFactory, this is what actually parses the JSON.
  22. You shouldn't be using the players entity data like that. If you have data you want to save to the player use a custom capability.
  23. First off you should never interact with any of the registries in the ForgeRegistries class. You should instead use the Event called Register<type> and pass the Object type you want to register ie Register<Item>. The numerical I'd is abstracted away from modders as it is much better and easier for humans to deal with strings such as the registry name of an Item. Instead of a "magic number".
  24. This isn't a problem. You are just skipping the vital part of this method. k is the ID of the biome gotten from the BiomeProvider. With successful reflection and replacement of the BiomeProvider field you will be able to fully decide which biome gets placed where by overriding BiomeProvider#getBiome within your BiomeProvider class. You also need to register your Biomes as there own biomes in order for this to truly work.
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