If you are making an addons for that mod and have access to the class then all you have to do is subscribe to the GuiOpenEvent and replace the Gui with your own Gui.
Step one delete the class step to iterate through your items step three call ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation on all the items in your ModelRegistryEvent.
1.7.10 is how many years old now? And if this is 1.8 how many years old is that? We dont support any versions below 1.9.x and soon that will be gone too.
I agree with draco18s, so to tell you how to do the reflection part, ReflectionHelper has a setField or setValue. No replacing vanilla code just the instance that houses it.
No, there is no need simple iterating through your Item instances and calling
ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation(item, 0, new ModelResourceLocation(item.getRegistryName(), "inventory"));
Is enough
I have not seen this, however you could probably look for the mcp(minecraft coder pack for 1.13 and check.
No. This is too bug of a change.
Use reflection and add another entry to the enum. Look at how the EnumHelper class does it if you need an example.
IHasModel is a terrible method of applying a model to an Item. All Items have models and all the required information to register a model to an item is public. You can just register the item in the ModelRegistryEvent by calling your ClientProxy method from there.
However on to your actual problem. I have to theories one being since you call the super method in onUpdate the default behavior applies. Or it's the fact that you are only setting the entity to dead on the server(might be synced, unsure). I believe the first one has a higher probability. Try stepping through the code in the debugger to find out what is happening.
Step through it in the debugger.
You've also given no context when is this method called. In your Biome code? A structure generation? Your ChunkGenerator?
Sometimes there is an extra "clause" that gives more information. I was mainly looking for the exact file path it was looking in. But my next logical check would be, did you refresh eclipses/ideas files.
Isn't that what you are already doing? The motion variables in the entity class are velocity, and the entities position is its position. So the partial ticks multiplied by the motion variable + the position would result in the same thing.
Using partial ticks and doubles is probably the best you can do to animate something in minecraft. Since it wasn't designed for something to move that fast within normal conditions.