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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. This is wrong, they still ship J8 for <1.17 So for any of the versions that arnt the latest snapshot use J8.
  2. It's in the logs folder. It's named debug.log. Also, do not post a log of a non-Forge instance. We can not control what coremods/other hacks downstream projects might have. So if you're using them you have to get support through them. If this is reproducable on JUST Forge. Then post the correct log, and include your world so that we can try and reproduce ourselves.
  3. Again you are expected to understand the java side of the issues you're raising. We are not a school for basic java. We CAN address things specifically related to Minecraft/Forge. However the bulk of the issues come down to "You need to call this method" "Code no compile!" "You're trying to pass a string into a int.. that is not something we need to help you with" Either way, the specifics of that example/code examples has nothing to do with your initial message. It may be aggressive to you. But we don't really care about that. Things being 'overly aggressive' is purely subjective. Hell, it doesn't even work, 90% of the issues posted in tech support don't follow those rules. Either way, do you have something constructive to contribute or are you just wanting to let us know you feel a thread title is 'aggressive'?
  4. This definitely sounds like a over zealous anti virus, so try nuking that during the install.
  5. You need to install the server and upload every file that it creates to the server.
  6. I am unable to reproduce this issue in any environments. As Dies said, from external views it'd look like java is eating all the memory, but that's becuase that's how the JVM works it manages its own memory without releasing it to the OS. If its inside MC/Java, you can try making a meory dump with jprofiler or something, may give you a better idea whats holding the memory. But like I said, I can't reproduce this in any environments.
  7. You need to to change your java version. The version you have installed does not have LetsEncrypt's root authority. https://adoptopenjdk.net/
  8. Really old Minecraft versions are no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  9. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  10. 1.8 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  11. 1.12 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  12. 1.7 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support. Also, this is a English only forums.
  13. No, there isn't. Its important information to show the loading hasnt frozen.
  14. Really old Minecraft versions are no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  15. Something messed up in our promotions file, i'll take a look. It doesn't effect anything in game. Its just a messagge.
  16. Dont change the fact that we don't support custom launchers, as they are against Mojang's wishes as well as basic common sense of not enterring account info into 3rd party stuff. And we also don't support installing things with non-standard systems. AND 1.7.10 is years old, you should update. It still works, you can still use it. But if you have issues its on you to fix it yourself.
  17. 1.7 is no longer supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
  18. ... Why did you install optifine on the server?
  19. This is a core issue in vanilla that has existed since its inception. They way that Items are rendered, is that the edge strip is generated by the CPU, by guessing where the GPU will place the pixels of the forward facing texture. Then the main texture is applied as one quad over top of it. The small white you see is where rounding errors happen and the CPU/GPU are disagreeing. There is no way to fix it beyond building a full model {not cheating like vanilla does and using one quad for the front of the item} This happens in every Minecraft version Modded or not, it varies based on Texture, CPU/GPU combo, and many other things.
  20. We only send vanilla packets. Any of your random translator projects is on them to support these vanilla packets. There is nothing we need to do on our end, and there is nothing we can do to support hacky setups like this.
  21. You're still running it with Java 16. I dont know what to tell you. You need to understand how to install java and how to run it. It isnt magic, it wont magically change the 'java' command you need to run the correct version.
  22. Delete your logs folder and re-run. We only care about debug.log However, the answer is to use a supported JRE. There isn't anything that I can say that'll change that.
  23. Then give us a log of you running on a supported java version.
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