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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. Unless your mod is like NEI. Nope, even then, NEI technically doesn't need to be in the jar, It can use any of the methods that FML/Forge provides to do what it wants.
  2. Looks to me that you need to learn then.
  3. https://github.com/cpw/FML/blob/master/common/cpw/mods/fml/common/network/EntitySpawnPacket.java#L123
  4. Or, you should not be a fuckin base class mod like I said and use the plethora of different ways to modify spawning entities. Do you really think you're unique in wanting to spawn a entity... Perhaps look into ModLoader.*spawn* and EntityRegistry.* A little research goes a long way.
  5. 1) DO NOT use override texture 2) Use setTextureFile() instead of overriding getTextureFile, its cleaner. 3) You declare the INDEX of your texture by looking at your damn texture sheet. 0 is the top left, 255 is the bottom right. Fairly easy to determine from there.
  6. Yes, thats one of the main points, EVERY mod should be a SINGLE jar and the end user should ONLY have to put it in the mods folder. If you have install instructions that are more complicated then that, you're doing it wrong.
  7. https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/blob/master/patches/common/net/minecraft/src/EntityOcelot.java.patch Its to allow them to interact properly with mod leaves. So kinda important if your users use any mod that adds extra tress, ExtraBiomesXL for example. And to be honestly, simply making cats spawn more commonly is in no way shape or for needed to be a base edit. FML/Forge edit a lot of things to control how entities spawn. Look into it.
  8. Thats because we have a audiomod compatibility layer, and if you put your things inside the resources folder, you're doing it wrong and creating nothing but useless hassle for your end user.
  9. Tossing a .jar into the mods folder will have it added to the class path, so not sure why it would be an issue to toss it there.
  10. You cant at the biome level.
  11. LoadController.errorOccurred should be what you're looking at, but may want to wait for cpw to chime in.
  12. Or, you could of look in the code for sound related hooks and read, anyways this thread as gone way off topic, shutup if you're not on topic.
  13. Just a note, your whole override texture is useless. Don't use it. Also, you should really rename your variables it makes it less obvious that you just copy/pasted decompiled code.
  14. Wow, you're starting to give me a headake, anyways The final answer is no, without re-writing a crapload of base classes there is no way to do what you want when it comes to metatdata and tools. Everything else you want to do is perfectly fine, unoriginal, and simple to do.
  15. How exactly are 18 taken up[ by vanilla items? Also, That seems like a horrible idea to have so many objects synced between client and server. You may need a re-design to lower that number. What exactly are you watching?
  16. use setTextureFile Don't override getTextureFile. Also, multiple calls to getTileEntity is costly, cache its result. And you are not reverting the texture override. You need to just call Forge's beforeBlockRender and afterBlockRender to have it setup the Tessellator properly.
  17. Now you're introducing gameplay mechanics changes to get around a design flaw. Awesome! But either way, things are a bit of a pain when it comes to designing a inventroy interaction system. There has been a discussion going on on how to expand the power of ISidedInventory in the forge channel, I dont think it'll get very far due to modders not wanting the changes.
  18. Wow, MAJOR derp on my end, however I cant figure out how it didn't error straight away when I was debugging.... Use build 214
  19. Yes I am, because they arnt pestering me with stupid questions that they can answer themselves with 10 seconds of looking. So if i'm 'mean' to you, you know you are in the wrong.
  20. Get me links, I still cant reporduce this at all. Make sure the users who are connecting that do get this error are using the latest forge. This error is caused by The server using a block with ID > 256 And the client not knowing how to handle the data properly. its a fairly straight forward error that I have fixed. And can no longer reproduce in the slightest. So im not sure how you guys are still getting it if you are, as you say, using the latest BUILD of forge. And I mean LATEST not the RECOMENDED
  21. If you use the install script that forge provides it replaces the eclipse workspace with a single project that is named 'Minecraft' and has two debug configs 'Client' and 'Server' That is all you need its all configured properly to test the did server vs the client. Aside from that, loading textures should work as it always has, as the Loading code has not changed to much between 1.2 and 1.3. It loads all the folders inside /mods/ to the classpath, so it should work. Not sure why it doesnt on that front.
  22. You're using a outdated version of Reis Minimap, go download the update Also, why do you feel its okay to lie and say no mods, but clearly you have a mod? Also, use spoiler tags when you paste errors -.-
  23. Get me a mod to test, and reproduceable way to test this error. This should not be happening. Unless you're using a block > 256 and you're using a build that is old.
  24. It should not actually error, but hey whatever your python is weird, it cleanly exits for me. Either way, I don't really care about the readme as things are fairly obvious, Any amount of prevention we do will not be enough to not make this error happen. You are the 1% of people who actually read the readme.
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