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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. Something you are using is overwriting the adl class from forge. Figure out which of your mods is doing it.
  2. The water and lava textures should work perfectly fine for texturepacks up to 128x. Provide a log.
  3. Interesting i'd have to see what mod is doing that and how its rendering its block. Because that is there. It looks like the mod just isnt using transparency properly.
  4. [me=LexManos]points at the Wool's item[/me]
  5. Not a forge issue, you screwed up your configuration, note the extra space, remove it.
  6. Humm, i may need to see the exact mods you're referring to. They should all work fine. However, I must say its always a good idea to have mods move to Forge Esp if they use overrides like that. What mods do you use?
  7. The OreDictionary can be used for anything that has a ItemStack. Block wise, we don't have a dictionary. But that could easily be done by any mod out there. And as for the universal power system, ya we've discussed this before, no.
  8. Thats because it uses bytecode patching, we don't support bytecode patchers, else they need to make themselves compatible with US.
  9. Yes it would, it's on my 'To-Do: Eventually' list. Not many mods would benefit from it, and it'd be quite a big change last I looked.
  10. Install Forge AFTER MLMP. But MLMP should not be used at all anymore, complain to your mod auther that still uses it to update.
  11. Why the hell are you installing forge in bukkit? Who gave you the stupid idea you could do that?
  12. Interesting it says it can find the metadata but that error says it can't Try installing Forge normally and see if it works. Maybe MagicLauncher is being stupid and not adding things to the class path correctly.
  13. -.- ItemStacks They have a damn field for there NBT data you can edit the field from outside the class that field is saved every time the ItemStack is saved Use that field! Jesus man, I'm not here to hold you hand. Please take some effort and read the code!
  14. Don't have any links, but google is your friend. And there is a fairly straight forward thing in ItemStack for writing data to/from the player's file. Namely it's tag.
  15. http://minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php/topic,20.0.html
  16. Go complain to the mcp team to enable the mapings of parameter names. Its setup to allow it but the database backend isnt setup. So ya... just got to live with it.
  17. Forge Version: Minecraft Version: 1.2.5 Dependencies: None Downloads: Client (Adfly) (Direct) Server (Adfly) (Direct) Source (Adfly) (Direct) Changlog: Minecraft Forge 3.3.7 Changelog: ============================================================================ Updated to FML #133 MAJOR: Droped ModLoader as a dependancy, ModLoader functionality is bundled with FML now, which is bundled with Forge. You only need to install Forge, nothing else. For the end-user, this means you need to install nothing else into your minecraft.jar For MCP coders, this means both minecraft.jar and minecraft_server.jar need to be 100% clean. MAJOR: Built in support for HD textures up to 128x via Forge ModLoader. For more features, or higher resolutions, use Optifine BugFix: Added missing disconnect reson to disconnect event. BugFix: Fixed AStyle descrepancies between Linux and Windows that could cause patch files to fuxx BugFix: All distrabutions now come with all associated license files. BugFix: Fixed getCartClassForItem/getCartTypeFromItem returning null improperly. Misc: Cleaned up render related hooks for Optifine compatibility New: Added logo file and information on Forge for FML's Mod List page. New: Bundled CodecIBMX from PaulsCode, and related license info. To support AudioMod functionality by default. New: Leafe/tree hooks to allow modders more control over tree related world generation. New: Ore generation hook for moders to play nicer with generating ores. New: All Item/Blocks are now ITextureProviders, and have associated functions, to help modders have cleaner code. New: New Ore Dictionary recipies, to allow modders simpler access to ore dictionary, and simpler usage on the end user's side. Allows for mix and match of ores in the same recipe. IOreHandler should be used in only special cases from now on.
  18. I can not reproduce the 'stacking bug', All items stack normally for me, for any mod I test. If you could provide code or samples of what you are talking about it would help. Anything related to item stack sizes is all vinella minecraft, neither ModLoader or FML edit that functionality. As for the next recomended, I'll release it once I get all these bug reports squashed.... Trust me, I know the issues people get on things, and as soon as I can figure out/reproduce them. I can fix them.
  19. 1) Edit your posts, dont quadruple post. 2) Stack trace or we cant help. 3) It looks like your initial error is with ItemBow, which we edit, but don't add that constructor in. So check your mods and see who edits what. You're gunna have to decide which mods to use of the ones that are incompatible.
  20. As long as you keep updated, it should be fine, there is a small growing period we are in when we are switching away from ML and squashing all the bugs from that. But, Client side all mods *should* work. If you could provide more detailed properties, the versions of the mods your using. The version of forge you're using. Direct download links to the mods/configs. Step-by-step to reproduce. etc... If we get good bug reports, we can squash them.
  21. minecraft cant find your textures Put them in the class path correctly -.-
  22. That is useless, Sending me the same patch file I generated doesnt help.. at all..
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