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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. 1) You're using 1.2.4's MLMP on 1.2.5 2) You're using ML and MLMP at all, MLMP isnt needed since a long time ago, and ML isn't needed since 108
  2. ModLoader.zip ModLoaderMP1.2.4v1.zip
  3. CustomMobSpawners is not a mod, it is a API used by Mo'Creatures to make it's spawners. It won't load any mods from it, cuz none exist.
  4. This NOT to be given out. But this is something I wrote one night like a week ago for shits and giggles. https://dl.dropbox.com/u/28221422/MCPModConverter.jar Drop it in your MCP folder, and run it. It'll look for jars/mods/*.{zip/jar} and convert them. It makes it so I can run things like RP, or BC in my eclipse. But I give no garentees that it won't completely blow up your computer and kill your dog. So use at your own risk.
  5. How about posting the proper error log like it says in the message you pasted? {I know crazy concept, actually reading the error} Anyways, PortalMod is notorious for crashing clients because it does some advanced things with the graphics. Nothing in Forge should cause the graphics to mess up. Try disabling all the advanced stuff for portalmod. Beyond that, we can't help you, you'd have to go to them.
  6. If your next post doesn't include a stack trace, I'm banning you.
  7. Find a non-crappy archiving tool that allows you to merge instead of replace. And you should write the Mac install tutorial, I don't have a mac, I don't particularly care about them, etc.. Its one step, Drag files from Forge's zip to Minecraft.jar
  8. Not up for debate, X-Raying IS cheating.
  9. Really.. Scott.. that's not helpful. However, it looks like either 1) There is a bug in FML with mods that are in folder in the mods folder {which there shouldn't be as I have used many mods in such a manor}, or 2) You didn't install twilight forest properly. Link the download you used, and type the setup steps you did.
  10. You are missing the required libraries that MC uses, This mean you failed, repeatedly at installing Forge. When it asks you if you want to overwrite the paulscode folder, you say you want to MERGE the folder. Please stop overwriting the entire folder, MERGE them.
  11. 1) Dont install using MCPatcher 2) Check for conflicting mods, for most cases, Forge will be the only mod in the jar. 3) Post support questions in the support forums, not in the release thread. This thread is for things related to this release.
  12. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=java+threads
  13. The server needs to return a Container.
  14. Both sides you use Player.openGUI Try reading the IGuiHandler.
  15. Strip down to just forge. There is nothing that should cause the game to not render your player.
  16. You can use BlockContainer, but essentially what it does is override getTileEntity and hasTileEntity
  17. We dont support other mods, nore the technicpack {or any pack} This is a error in the MCA mod, not forge. You will have to rely on them to track it down.
  18. Its not like i gave a freakin example or nothing.. In THIS thread!
  19. Install MLMP. We don't support nore endorse it. Tell your Modders to update there mods.
  20. Use Item.addCreativeItems like a proper mod should. We made it for a reson.
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