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Forge Code God
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Everything posted by LexManos

  1. 'it' being the entire project, the server backend, the support experience and experience designing the architecture that will be needed to run this type of thing.
  2. It works perfectly fine, you're just being stupid.
  3. Never said a web browser was hard to make, that is not the parts that i'm saying would be hard...
  4. LexManos


    It is totally replaceable, go learn how!
  5. Yes, it does, also https://github.com/MinecraftForge/MinecraftForge/commit/c3bdc6e58368a0c471c7d24ba23b8dc5721d943b I know what i'm talking about, you do not. Go look at that link for a PROPER 4096 fix.
  6. Update your forge, the version you're using doesn't support 4096. If you updated properly this wouldn't happen. Also note, that changin that 256 to 4096 is NOT a proper solution as it fucks up vanilla items.
  7. Shameless OS plug: If you toss up a github repo i'd be more then happy to sit down and help you clean up and get thing working properly on SMP. Especially if you're saying you're gunna drop that whole annoying 'Forge Lite' crap. That is really annoying.. hehe Anyways, Forge and FML are designed to keep the modding API fairly consistent, while still allowing for active development. However when it comes to 1.3, there will be many things that are different but I plan on making 1.3 as easy to merge to for modders as I can. As there is no public official information on what exactly is changing under the hood of Minecraft I can not garentee that it will be instantly compatible, but it'll be as easy as I can get it. Gitting your environment setup for SMP work, and then tackling each task one at a time would be the best method of getting help I think. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need.
  8. As long as you guys understand that it is far more then just coming up with ideas, or coming up with functional code. a project like this has many many facets that if you don't plan for will make things explode. I never said that after the modidng api comes out, Mojang won't have such a thing. And if I did, times have changed. All I have to say about that is that I can't speak of it definitively because the information I have been given is neither official nore mine to give out. But, a undertaking of such magnitude is something best left for those with the resources and experience to pull it off properly. {Mojang} There is nothing wrong with spitballing theoretical ideas, but just to remind you, Forge has already crashed 3 high end servers with its downloads, what would you expect from something that has to chime in every time someone connects to a server or logs in? For the current time modding is a good enough state that unless people are really stupid they should be just fine installing things. However, if you really want to be helpful, you could write tutorials and point people in the direction of the plethora of already available tools. Most people don't use them simply out of ignorance to there existence.
  9. The string 'null' is not what a null pointer is... One of your objects. that you use on line 60 is null. Check your objects. Do some debugging.
  10. LexManos


    I don't seem any people using this, but, even in your own code you could easily expand this array to whatever you want. If your mod uses ids that are > then the current size, resize and preserve the array.
  11. 1) Nobody use this as I haven't verified what it doesn't and it does break old worlds. 2) Forge ALREADY supports 4096 in a better fashion 3) If its something important you should submit a PR to forge, not release 'custom builds' as that's just fucking stupid.
  12. You are not using a compatible version of 4096, just update to the latest build and get rid of 4096 entirely, and you''ll be fine.
  13. Because the world gen only replaces stone when it sets up the top blocks... You'd have to write your own world gen.
  14. Makes no difference you're doing *something* wrong that causes it not to copy the files over properly.
  15. Whatever you're using to copy the files in isnt doing its job. There isn't much more we can say beyond do it correctly. If you get a Class not found issue, its cuz you didn't install everything properly.
  16. Just gunna point it out again, that I am not gunna sanction any of this. It is a LARGE endeavor. And I know you all mean well, but honestly I doubt any of you aside from Overmind have the skills or experience to pull it off. Not trying to be a dick, its just the facts. None of your ideas are special or unique, I can personally say I've considered them all before. Forge is NOT a full blown Modding API. Forge is NOT the end-all be-all for modding. That is up to Mojang to do, it is there project. It is there company, it is there responsibility to do this. It's what they get paid for. There are already a plethora of other tools out there that make mod management a cake walk. And with a few things that I have in mind for Forge in the future even simpler, but, the full blown system like you guys are talking about is NOT something that Forge should be doing or associated with. I understand why you guys want the Forge name associated with it, because if you didn't have the name, you'd fall to ambiguity along with the many other sites/systems like this that have already been made. But unless something major happens related to Minecraft, I don't see this coming to fruit.
  17. I betcha that [---] is 'mod_MedievalCraft2' But if its not, you shouldn't fucking care about stupid crap like that. Not like anyone is gunna steal your TOTALLY unique ides. Anyways, you have something that is null on line 60 or MeC2Core.java Seems straight forward to debug and fix to me.
  18. So.. the interface asks for a return value And you give it null. And you expect it NOT to crash? Really... go read the code it's commented well enough.
  19. Your client/server IDs are out of sync.
  20. Make it a proper size, and you won't have issues.
  21. What the hell would make you think a 2x2 texture was a good idea?
  22. No, I doubt this will ever happen. 1/2 the community hates us with the power of a thousand suns. 1/2 the community loves us And we{I} don't have the resources to design or administer something like that. If you want something like this, wait till Mojang make there official API, and such.
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