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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by SanAndreaP

  1. Your registerModEntity call is messed up, this is how it's supposed to get called: https://github.com/SanAndreasP/TurretModRebirth/blob/master/java/de/sanandrew/mods/turretmod/util/TmrEntities.java#L29-L35 1. parameter: the class of your entity, not the instance of said class. 2. parameter: the entity registration name 3. parameter: the mod-unique entity ID, beginning with 0. DO NOT use findGlobalUniqueEntityId, ever. 4. parameter: your mod instance 5. parameter: the tracking range. Look at EntityList EntityTracker on what value vanilla paintings use. 6. parameter: the tracking tick rate. Look at EntityList EntityTracker on what value vanilla paintings use. 7. parameter: send velocity updates, for paintings, you don't need to send them, so set it to false.
  2. No need for keybindings... Just set the entity's [b]moveStrafing[/b] and [b]moveForward[/b] fields to the same value as the riding entity's moveStrafing and moveForward . Do that in the onLivingUpdate method of your entity (after the super call), check if it's ridden by anything of course ( [b]riddenByEntity[/b] is not null ). To steer it, you'd need to set the [b]rotationYaw[/b] and [b]rotationYawHead[/b] fields of your entity to the ones of the riding one. Do it right before setting the move* fields. Also override [b]canBeSteered()[/b] and return true.
  3. Ooh, so adding CCC and NEI to the buildscript-dependencies is completely useless... The more you know
  4. Why add them as dependencies in the buildscript block? Isn't that only for the build script's dependencies? I always thought it is needed for gradlew build , for if you actively reference the classes inside those libs!?
  5. run the forge.jar, not the minecraft_server.jar
  6. Given you're saying that it always happens with Thaumic Horizons, and given that in both logs you gave there is a reference to com.kentington.thaumichorizons.common.entities.EntityNightmare I can safely assume: Thaumic Horizons does something horribly wrong. Report to the author and remove the mod until this is fixed.
  7. Also, reduce your view distance.
  8. Try disabling the new loading screen (read the EAQ on how to). Your graphics card just might not like it. Also, please NEVER ever download anything from sites like minecraftsix again! They freeboot mods and claim false stuff (e.g. a 1.7.10 mod claimed to be compatible with 1.8 ) Read this: http://stopmodreposts.org/ (EDIT: after a look at that site, it seems to link to the original files, so I can assume it's safe, but still, please download mods only from their original source)
  9. This is why you should have a repository on github or bitbucket.
  10. BetterFoliage is a client-only mod. Remove it.
  11. The EAQ has all the answers for you: disable the loading screen.
  12. Uhhh... that would result in having the player lose 20 EXP every 4 sec. Anyways, since you're using the entitys onUpdate, here's how to do it (pseudocode): if this.ticksExisted % 80 == 0 then reduce player XP by 1 end
  13. Try to disable the loading screen, read the EAQ on how to.
  14. UE morphadditions{0.0.9} [MorphAdditions] (MorphAdditions-1.7.10-0.0.9.jar) MorphAdditions seems to be crashing. Report to the author.
  15. CCC and NEI are added as libraries for me. The only thing that isn't is CCL. That is because you try to download it via the LibDownloader, but don't actually tell it do download anything, see here: https://github.com/SanAndreasP/VarietyChests/blob/master/build.gradle#L64-L65
  16. post the fml-server-latest.log (please use https://gist.github.com for that)
  17. This has nothing to do with 3D. The new loading screen simply renders in another thread to prevent "getting stuck" during loading everything. Your graphics card just doesn't like that.
  18. Then show me your build.gradle.
  19. if(event.getPhase().equals(event.type.TREE)) { Do you even know what that code does? event.getPhase() is of type EventPriority, you're trying to equal it to type, which is of EventType. Also you can use == on enums Also you're getting the Enum value TREE from the enum class through a variable... it'll never be null. All in all: Please learn how enums work.
  20. Depends on where you want to change it. And if its your own item.
  21. Yes, I meant flagging it in your .json What do you mean by: "No there isn't a delay, though in the game there is."? Also, can you show us your current sounds.json?
  22. You have a 1.8 mod installed on 1.7.10. Remove the mod and get the 1.7.10 version of it.
  23. Show a crash without CB Wireless Redstone installed.
  24. Yea, no support for cracked launchers. Buy the game.
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