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Found 4 results

  1. Hello! I recently approached modding and Java programming in general. But I'm very used to programming in Minecraft "code", so .json files and commands. In fact, for example, with Terrabalnder it was quite simple and intuitive to convert biome, surface rules and positioning files to run whit forge. Instead what I'm having difficulty with is switching Minecraft things I used to do whit commands to java format. Things like execute a condition or position checks on a specific type of entity, even simple things like "if block ~ ~-1 ~ dirt" or "run particle...". There aren't many tutorials, so I would like to know if there are any tools, documentation or a list of procedures, methods and classes, or useful IntelliJ tooltips. Let me know leterally how from zero I can get the location of methods and informations I need to use. Thanks
  2. https://gist.github.com/it-is-allie/29645c4fb5c7131ad30181769a37d12f There is my latest crash report. I've spent probably 5 hours messing with modpacks and have gotten it almost complete but it then randomly crashes before loading all the mods? I'm not even sure. if anyone could help it would be greatly appreciated.
  3. My mod requires a DiscordRPC and Alphine and net.minecraft on a 10.0.2 Modding Gradle setup as 4.9, I do not have any of these? and I wen't to the forums to know a little about Gradle Implementations and Compiling Software.
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