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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/15/20 in all areas

  1. https://github.com/Tavi007/ElementalCombat/blob/1390c4b3be278d93c6be25369ac14cb8f7e74b68/1.15.2/src/main/java/Tavi007/ElementalCombat/StartupCommon.java#L26 Your FMLCommonSetupEvent isn't annotated with @SubscribeEvent , it's never called. https://github.com/Tavi007/ElementalCombat/blob/1390c4b3be278d93c6be25369ac14cb8f7e74b68/1.15.2/src/main/java/Tavi007/ElementalCombat/events/AttachCapabilityEvent.java#L14 For events to be called, you have to register them to the event bus by calling IEventBus#register, you never call MinecraftForge.EVENT_BUS.register(new AttachCapabilityEvent), so it doesn't fire. Maybe you can put the ResourceLocation as a parameter in your constructor? I haven't worked with particles myself, just an assumption. I don't think you should, they're all small issues that can be tackled in one post instead of spamming the forums with small 1 reply threads. Edit: Dzuchun is also correct, though you don't have to use @Mod.EventBusSubscriber if you're methods aren't static, but you still have to register an instance of your class. Edit 2: Btw, you can't really have both FMLCommonSetupEvent and ServerAboutToStartEvent in the same @Mod.EventBusSubscriber annotated class as they fire on separate buses, FMLCommonSetupEvent fires on the mod bus, ServerAboutToStartEvent on the Forge bus. Edit 3: This is from the Forge discord,
    1 point
  2. So.... go open the class definition for the class you're trying to instantiate.
    1 point
  3. 1.12 is not supported on this forum. Please update to a modern version of Minecraft to receive support.
    1 point
  4. First, as said, please note that 1.12 is unsupported on these forums; any threads you make about unsupported versions will be locked by a moderator (in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if this thread gets locked). You won't receive any help also from the Discord or the subreddit, as the Forge team heavily discourages people from asking help for these versions. You'll have to learn on your own, until you update. Second, although you may not have malicious intent, the Forge team is heavily against hacked clients, and custom clients in general. You may only do these for your own learning purposes, but do not seek help from the forums/discord/reddit/anywhere the light of LexManos touches if you plan to make mods emulating client-side hacks. I strongly suggest updating and learning mods by making simple mods. Third, the Forge API is primarily for use by mod developers to modify both sides of Minecraft, the client and the server. It is possible for create a server-only or client-only mod, but there are many pitfalls that you may fall into because Forge expects most mods to be for both sides (and most documentation and tutorials assume so), and your code may be incompatible in some way. If you wish to receive any support, please update to a modern version of Minecraft.
    1 point
  5. This is a known issue: #6894. Currently, Forge overwrites the vanilla recipes for stone tools to use the `forge:cobblestone` tag instead of the cobblestone item. Now, 1.16 adds a new tag for stone tool materials, `minecraft:stone_tool_materials`, but Forge still is overwriting the recipe. A solution has been discussed, but no one has currently took up the task of making a PR (Pull Request) for this, probably beacuse they don't have the time. Follow the issue if you want to stay updated.
    1 point
  6. With entity speed (or how much it moved during last tick) and interpolation. Interpolation is multiplying the difference in distance in that tick by the partial ticks of that frame, and add that to the previous position to achieve smooth movement.
    1 point
  7. The events no longer exist. You need to remove the feature from the biome. You can see how I did that for ores here: https://github.com/Draco18s/ReasonableRealism/blob/1.14.4/src/main/java/com/draco18s/harderores/HarderOres.java#L206 (Most of it is a disgusting mess because of the specifics of ore features, but should give you something to start with).
    1 point
  8. The 1.16 mappings are being made manually, hence the old date. Once MMMS lands, we'll be in a much better position. For the mean time, Kashike is working on updating as many of the common mappings as possible.
    1 point
  9. Forge for 1.16.1 The first Forge build for 1.16.1 is now live thanks to the hard work of: covers, illy, jd, garrett, giga, and the rest of the forge crew. With their help we were also able to release the updates to MCPConfig for 1.16 and 1.16.1 the same day that vanilla did. The Nether Update has brought a lot of changes to many systems, and as with any update there are likely to be bugs. We are still evaluating and working on some of the systems like dimensions and trees to come up with the best system to allow for modders to integrate with vanilla’s new dimension system. We are also expecting Mojang to release a 1.16.2 fairly shortly and are prepared to work on updating to it as soon as they do. As with every update, there are bugs and other minor things to be expected. Please report them responsibly and have fun with the new version! Changes to the LTS There are a couple changes happening to the Long Term Support system originally introduced here. We are moving the LTS from 1.14.4 to 1.15.2 to reflect the community being more active and also changing how we chose what version the LTS will be to be more maintainable. We are now going to be supporting the latest (n) and second latest (n - 1) versions, with the reservation of potentially having the LTS being n - 2 if something is Mojang ends up really making a mess of a particular version. That being said we still will be providing critical fixes for all possible versions. Do not worry about 1.14 being instantly dropped while we are still working on updating 1.16, as we have a customary grace period for while everything is still in flux before we start strictly enforcing the LTS rules. New Team Members We are happy to announce we've added a few new members to the Forge team officially. These people have been a part of the community for a while and have been helping out a lot. The first two are new members of the 'Toolchain' team. Which is responsible for some of the backend tools, like the decompiler, update scripts, gradle and other internals. The others are joining our ever growing list of Triage team members. Who are responsible for managing the issues and pull requests on our github. They are the front line of bug reports and feature requests, treat them with respect and listen to what they tell you! Toolchain covers1624 JDLogic Triage AshersLab Curle OrionOnline pupnewfster
    1 point
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