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Everything posted by ChampionAsh5357

  1. Not without some bipedmodel trickery which is just annoying to do and not really recommended without a decent grasp of the system. Plus, it's the easiest solution.
  2. Makes sense, it's using the default biped model which reserves a 64x32 space for the actual armor. So any data drawn within that space will be reflected on the default model.
  3. Well yes, vanilla armor models have two layers. The leggings grab the body and the legs while the boots grab only the legs. You could fix this by splitting your texture in two and draw the second texture only when the equipment slot is the legs.
  4. It's just the color of the particle to render for the falling block. If you want, you can translate the colors into hex and put them into a color editor to view what colors they are.
  5. Why are you trying to place your tile entity in a non-generated chunk?
  6. This is not really a question for the modding forums as it really isn't related to forge. You can try looking on the internet or figuring out how to do the multi-threaded subsystem of an HTTP client application.
  7. The event to use would be EntityEvent$Size.
  8. It's fired on the logical client and logical server. Most likely you'll only need to execute the logic on the server.
  9. If you're translating individual files, there's not much you can do about it. You could use the updateMappings gradlew task, but that's better for large batches of code. As for JSON item models, that is a much more complicated issue that involves layers and custom transform types. While still possible, the tradeoff isn't really worth it.
  10. Yes there is: If you expect the method names to be the same across mappings including how they're referenced between methods, you won't find what you are referring to.
  11. Still hasn't changed. You're referencing two different methods with two difference signatures. The first method you shown calls the second method with the argument 3. As for what it does, it dictates what flags to execute when setting the block (a bit field). The list of flags can be found within Constants$BlockFlags.
  12. Goals and Tasks are defined within the flyweight Entity itself whenever it is constructed. I would suggest taking a look at already implemented entities with goals and tasks if you want to implement them yourself.
  13. Any mod present on the server (assuming it doesn't have the ignore extension point set) must be present on the client to allow both to connect.
  14. Yes, you are passing in an Item instead of a supplier of an item. I would suggest taking another read over the docs.
  15. You can start by looking at how a bow is implemented within the code and how arrows are fired as projectiles. BowItem and ArrowEntity is a good place to start researching.
  16. There's no evidence that you use a newer version of netty within the buildscript. You indeed shadow the version during building, but you do not compile it for use within the game. You still need to require a dependency on it such that it is used within runtime.
  17. Forge now ships the mdk with the official mojang mappings over the previously used mcp mappings. As such, fields/methods/params will be different between the two mappings. For example, Item#onItemRightClick has become Item#use. If you would like to use the old mappings, you can look on Forgecord in the 1.16 modder support channel's pins and find the current version of the mcp mappings available.
  18. You're going to need to be more specific. What list is changing size, how often does it change, how many entries can be stored within the list, does the block have a tile entity?
  19. Yes, you can still sign jars as that is not a Forge concept, that is a java one. ForgeGradle adds the ability to sign a jar within your buildscript while the event was used to check if there was a violation in the signature. Although the event doesn't exist anymore, ForgeGradle still supports signing a jar through the SignJar task. As for how to sign a java jar, you would need to generate an key-pair. Using Java's keytool command also wraps the public key into a X.509 self-signed certificate which can be used in a bunch of other places. Once you have this generated, make sure to remember the location it's stored on your computer, the alias given for unique identification, the keystore password, and the key password. We can then create the signed jar by having the base jar finalized by our task and making sure it executes after the jar has been reobfuscated via 'reobfJar' within the build.gradle.
  20. 1.12.2 is not supported on the forums. The current versions supported can be found in the blue banner above. Forge usually supports the latest version and one major behind for LTS. Although, that does change depending on popularity.
  21. DimensionTypes are dynamic since they are now data driven. This means that the associated data can only be accessed whenever a world is loaded. You can get access to this through MinecraftServer#registryAccess which gives you an instance of DynamicRegistries. There is a convenient method there for grabbing the registry called DynamicRegistries#dimensionTypes. Registry is an instance of Iterable on the value.
  22. Doesn't the spawn chunk have protection against all non-opped players?
  23. Did you attach the register to the mod event bus? Also, you should probably check what class the "egg" is using and update accordingly. This will remove all the features associated with the egg. Another thing to note is that you shouldn't replace vanilla entries unless absolutely necessary. It could lead to compatibility issues and a few others (although, since you're only modifying a property, it should be fine).
  24. 1.12.2 is not supported on the forums. The current versions supported can be found in the blue banner above. Forge usually supports the latest version and one major behind for LTS. Although, that does change depending on popularity.
  25. If you already have a IBakedModel implementation, you could create your own ItemOverrideList that gives you the correct model based on the stack tag.
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