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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. I'm not familiar with the new FluidApi added by Forge. But you could try to set the canSwim value of the FluidType of Lava (ForgeMod.LAVA_TYPE) via Reflection inside FMLCommonSetupEvent in #enqueueWork to true.
  2. I'm not a expert at Screens and Menus but here a few hints what you have to do or where you can look for examples. Due to the fact that a shop should be handled server-side, I recommend you to use a menu because you can handle button clicks easier and you can make sure no data has been modified without permission from a client. Depending on how many trades you want to have in your shop, you will need a scroll bar to properly handle that massive number of trades. You can take a look at the StonecutterScreen or the MerchantScreen for an example of a scroll bar. The other stuff is just a bit rendering of a texture (you can use all vanilla Screens for an example), add a few Button and handle the Button click in your Menu.
  3. There is no helpful information for most things, in the mosts cases there is a vanilla example or something like that where you can take a look at. Then try and hopeyou get the things to work.
  4. It was just a copy paste, i forgot to modify it 😅. The paste does not exists. It should be directly in your game directory.
  5. In 1.19 this is done via Biome Modifiers, you can take a look at the buildin Biome Modifier Types (https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Biome_Modifiers#Add_Spawns). A few additional things, do never use @OnlyIn it's vanilla only SpawnPlacements should be done in FMLCommonSetupEvent EntityRenderers are registered in EntityRenderersEvent.RegisterRenderers
  6. You can not store data like this in your EventHandler class, if you want to store data it's recommended to use a Capability. see: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Capabilities https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Capabilities/Attaching
  7. Delete this config file if you have not modified it.
  8. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  9. In general you can use Forge-Bot on the Forge discord server. But if you want to updated a project this would be the easiest way to do it.
  10. The default value is 0, you need to override the method and return a value which is larger than 0. Note this is the max time (in ticks) a Entity can use this Item.
  11. Are you sure it is the full debug.log from the logs folder, since the log does not contains any indicate of your problem. If this is the full debug.log please post launcher_log.txt as well.
  12. Forge only supports the official launcher, if you want to play Forge on a third party launcher talk to them.
  13. Please show the code you are using to register your Block and the MenuType.
  14. What exactly does not work? Do you want to print the message once? Please post the full Item class.
  15. Make sure you pack.mcmeta is valid. Please post a git repo of your Mod.
  16. Please post debug.log.
  17. If you want to get the BlockState value: BlockState#getValue with the BlockStateProperty you want to get. If you want to set the BlockState value: Block#defaultBlockState and then BlockState#setValue with the BlockStateProperty you want to set and the value you want to set the property to. In you case the BlockStateProperty would be BeehiveBlock.HONEY_LEVEL.
  18. It is highly recommended to use DeferredRegister for all registry entries. Is your bolt_from_zombified_piglins a json file?
  19. Item#onUsingTick is only called if the Item is in use, therefore you need to call LivingEntity#startUsingItem in Item#use. and the return value of Item#getUseDuration is larger than 0. In addition teleport the Player is a server side operation and you should use Entity#teleportToWithTicket.
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