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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. There are a lot of changes in the vanilla and Forge code, if you have code from a older version you can throw it away. What did you already create and where did you need help? And for me, if you're talking about Gui's do you mean a Contains with Slots for Items or only a Screen (client side only) with Buttons etc.?
  2. You should check here KeyMapping#isDown This depends on what projectile you want to shoot, if you want a custom projectile yes, if you want to shoot a Arrow or a Fireball then is is not necessary. In all cases you need a custom Network packet since key input is client side but entity spawning (include projectiles) is server side. You can take a look at this FCW page for general informations about Networking.
  3. The class is now called Screen (if you're talking about the client side part of a Gui).
  4. Please post a screenshot of the mods folder from server and client (Mod list would be also fine). And debug.log from server and client.
  5. Why did you not test a few other values? You know that the value must be larger than -22 and smaller than -8. Start with the center (-15). If the head is too far away the value is to larger (in negative direction), if the head is to close the value is to small (in negative direction).
  6. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. If you using CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  7. Please add -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug to the JVM arguments of your Launcher, then run again and post debug.log. On CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  8. Please post debug.log from server and the connecting client.
  9. The most people on the Forum are not familiar with GeckoLib at all. We only work (and support) the Systems and API's which are provided by Vanilla Minecraft and Forge. If you want help with GeckoLib you should check out the thier discord server. https://github.com/bernie-g/geckolib/wiki#support
  10. You need to include the dependency into your jar. In 1.19 you have the following two Options: Using the Shadow Plugin, you can take a look at this guide for an example. Using Forge's Jar-in-Jar, you can take a look a this Page of the FCW.
  11. Please post debug.log from server and client.
  12. Where is the file in your Project located? I would highly recommend to use Datageneration for the data stuff (see: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Datageneration).
  13. The most Forge code is documented, if you wish to have javadocs and parameter names in vanilla code you can check out: https://github.com/ParchmentMC/Parchment/wiki/Getting-Started. There is also the FCW which provides a lot of informations and code examples. For any remaining questions feel free to ask here in the Forum or on the Forge Discord server.
  14. If there are no changes in the main repo you can continue with this repo, if there are changes you need to compare the repos.
  15. Please add -Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug to the JVM Arguments of your Launcher then (after producing the error) post debug.log from the logs folder.
  16. Please post launcher_log.txt as well.
  17. Create your own thread and post installer log.
  18. Looks like a problem with JourneyMap. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author (try first without the Mod).
  19. It's a method in the Player class you should call. If you don't now how to call a method you should learn basic java before modding minecraft.
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