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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. You can use BlockEvent.BreakEvent to modify the experience when a Block is broken.
  2. It looks like your Git repo is not up to date, since there is no code of a GLM.
  3. Problem with the Supplementaries Create Features, make sure you are using a compatible version of Create. If the version of Create you are using is compatible with the version of Supplementaries you are using, talk to the Mod author.
  4. Remove Rubidium from the server it's a badly coded client side Mod.
  5. If you have the same issue this is your solution. If the error remains create your own thread and post debug.log.
  6. There is always a debug.log, if you are using CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings. You can use https://gist.github.com/ to upload text files.
  7. There is LivingExperienceDropEvent which is fired when a LivingEntity drops experience. unfortunately there is no such a Event for when a Block drops experience.
  8. The debug.log should be in the logs folder of your game directory, normally in .minecraft/logs.
  9. This is a file on your computer we can not access to it. Also this is the latest.log not the debug.log.
  10. To be sure, you run the Forge Server without Mods and join with a client without Mods? If this is the case one of the Mods you are using is broken, unfortunately the logs do not contains any helpful informations. Because of this, you probably have no choice but to use binary search to find the broken Mod. The procedure is simple: Remove half of the existing things, and put them aside. Run the program / game. Does the issue still exist? If YES: Repeat from step 1 with the current things. IF NO: Swap out the current things with the ones set aside, and repeat from step 1. Repeat this process until the problematic thing/s have been found. If you have found the Mod which cause the issue, make sure the Mod is the on with the issue by only use this Mod. Report the Bug to the Mod author, and tell us which Mod was it (for further issues).
  11. Did you get this error if you don't use any Mod?
  12. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  13. Are you sure it is the full debug.log from the logs folder, since the log does not contains any error which cause the game to crash. The log simply ends.
  14. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  15. Jade is a fork of Hwyla, you can not use both.
  16. Why did you implement Container in your Menu class?
  17. Please post debug.log from server and a client which get kicked off.
  18. You can get the Player head x rotation via #getXRot. If the value equals -90.0F the player is looking up.
  19. Why did you try to deobfuscate a Mod? You should add the Mod as a dependency instead. https://www.cursemaven.com/
  20. As far as i know Network exceptions are not always shown. Please post launcher_log.txt as well.
  21. Entity model are done with java there are not json files for entities.
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