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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. Open Launcher (vanilla) -> Installations -> edit the Forge installation -> More Options -> Add the Argument to the JVM Arguments -> Save
  2. I think you're talking about Player#getAbilities and not about Forge's Capability system. Note this is a server side operation and you should call Player#onUpdateAbilities to sync the Abilities to the client.
  3. This was a answer to @STEM_Dad Unfortunately I have no idea how to help you. I have never seen this error before.
  4. Edit: You have not a similar error. It looks like something prevents java for being connect to the internet.
  5. Why do you want to get all Capabilities of a player?
  6. Could you please give us a bit more context, like where is the server running (PC or hast) how many player are playing on the server? How long did you play on the server? Does the panel always say the server use 12 GB ram, is the value constant or does the value jump under certain conditions and if yes whats the min and max value? Unfortunately, this means nothing to me. In general i would say the value is not correct or something is wrong with the server, please post also the debug.log from the server.
  7. Depends on what your are doing in the Event. In general i would say not, excluding iterate over a lot of Blocks add a lot of Entities, etc.
  8. The version does not matter, since if we clone your repo it's always 1.18. Did you tried a new World?
  9. Problem with Debugify. Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, talk to the Mod author.
  10. Did you looked at the vanilla Trident? In general you need the following things if you want to create a vanilla like Trident: Item which throws the Trident in #releaseUsing Entity for the Trident EntityRenderer for the Trident Custom Trident Model if you want to use a custom one (optional) Custom BlockEntityWithoutLevelRenderer to render the Trident Item Model
  11. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. If you using CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings.
  12. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  13. The debugger is a feature of your IDE, you can use it to debug code you create by putting a breakpoint at the code. Then start the debugger (which starts the game), then do the stuff you want to test. In your case join a World and put a Diamound in the fuel slot of the Furnace. If the code is called the game will stop running and the breakpoint will be marked (the IDE stops the code there). I'm not familiar with IntelliJ IDEA but first of all you need to gen the launch configs via the gradle task genIntellijRuns. You then can select them in Intellij. I know D7 post somewhere on Discord a image where you need to run them (found it):
  14. Please post full debug.log from the logs folder.
  15. Please post full debug.log from the logs folder.
  16. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. If you using CurseForge you need to enable the debug.log in the settings. This is a file on your computer we can not access to it. You can use https://gist.github.com/ to upload the debug.log.
  17. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  18. https://github.com/ParchmentMC/Parchment/wiki/Getting-Started
  19. Please post debug.log from the logs folder.
  20. You forgot to post the client debug.log, please post this log too.
  21. Please post debug.log from the logs folder. Edit: Found out that you created another thread for this.
  22. I have not the permission to view the files. Please make them public or use a paste website to upload the images and the log. Recommend for files: https://gist.github.com/ Recommend for images: https://imgur.com/
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