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Everything posted by Luis_ST

  1. does it work now, this should answer the question for your own
  2. Based on the description of your error, I would assume that you are trying to load client only classes on the server to confirm my theory, please enable the mojang debug logging (-Dforge.logging.mojang.level=debug) and post full debug log here
  3. do you have the permission to execute the command?
  4. You must remove all Mods that add custom Fluids that have not been updated yet. Unfortunately, you have to test each mod individually, to find out if the Mod has been updated of not
  5. There was a pull request on GitHub to add a new system for custom Fluids (API), to make them to more customizable for Modders. These new system, requires an implementation of a new method in modded Fluids. Mods of older 1.19 version do not have these new Fluid API, since the new system is not compatible (new methd) with the old one, you get the error
  6. what about ChatFormattings? use the color codes instead?
  7. you can use Forge bot on the Forge discord server to convert from mcp to mojang mappings
  8. it's okay, better than other paste sides but a git repo is recommended
  9. you can use https://gist.github.com/, you can simply drag and drop the file there
  10. Problem with "betterhuman". Make sure you are using the latest version. If the Mod is already up to date, report this bug to the Mod author.
  11. unfortunately i have no idea which cause the crash, i'm sorry
  12. ups I mixed the version of some thread 😅 does it now work
  13. i would recommend you to learn the java basics first before modding minecraft you can start here: Official documentation: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/ Absolute basics with an interactive editor: https://www.codecademy.com/learn/learn-java Ongoing online course with assignments: https://java-programming.mooc.fi/
  14. if the Thermal Mod is installed, the retunred Item by the create method is your PlonkCoinItem, then you be able to cast it back so yeah the Item keeps it functionality and btw this is basic OOP programming if the Thermal Mod is not installed, it's your fallback Item so it does not have the functionality of Thermal Mod Item your are extending
  15. please use the Forum code feature or a past website to upload your code do you know basic java?
  16. the 1.19 version have a few big changes which unfortunately break some stuff, so this is a possible cause of the issue
  17. yeah but you should overide the method in your Enchantment (Razor) class
  18. you could try a new mdk with the example mod, to test if this is a general error or an issue with your project
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