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Everything posted by warjort

  1. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/89239-excessively-asked-questions-eaq/#comment-415820 Post the log to a file sharing site. We cannot access file: urls, they are only accessible from your computer.
  2. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/89239-excessively-asked-questions-eaq/#comment-415820 Dont' truncate error messages, post the full log to a file sharing site.
  3. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/122698-forge-1182-server-wont-load-up-with-dawncraft/?do=findComment&comment=533997
  4. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/123452-i-have-problem-with-my-server-version-1192-forge/?do=findComment&comment=536510
  5. Please don't post logs in the forums, use a file sharing site. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/122698-forge-1182-server-wont-load-up-with-dawncraft/?do=findComment&comment=533997
  6. Can't help you if you don't post the log.
  7. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  8. Mixins are not supported here. Try the 3rd party modding channel on forge's discord or wherever mixin provides support.
  9. I told you before this forum is not a search engine. Familiarise yourself with the docs/wiki, even you don't read all them, skim it so you know what is there. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Block_Entities#Synchronizing_the_Data_to_the_Client And even if it is not on the wiki, your next port of call should be; * what does vanilla do? * what do others mod do? Only when you;'ve exhausted your own research possiblities should you post here and then you need to show what you've implemented not "please write/design my mod for me".
  10. Somewhere you are creating a block but not registering it. The logs/debug.log might have more information?
  11. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/89239-excessively-asked-questions-eaq/#comment-415820
  12. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/89239-excessively-asked-questions-eaq/#comment-415820
  13. Use java 17
  14. getDefaultInstance() is what you want, assuming that is what is actually used to create the ItemStack which is not always true. e.g. new ItemStack(item, 1) wouldn't call that method. For recipes you will likely need to use the Forge NBT extension: https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/resources/server/recipes/#additional-features or you might want create a custom recipe type with its own assemble() to do it programmatically https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/resources/server/recipes/custom/#recipe And loot tables have a number of LootItemFunctions for enchanting.
  15. Missing corgilib and wrong version of architectury.
  16. enderio like many such implementations did things dynamically. The connection state was stored in the BlockEntity not the BlockStates. It then creates and caches what is actually used instead of trying to create every possible state which besides taking forever would waste memory. Here's modern AE2 dynamically creating/caching shapes based on the "parts" that actually make up a cable: https://github.com/AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2/blob/9f23f8d544b7df0cfc0cbb20512e12c4506a808d/src/main/java/appeng/parts/CableBusContainer.java#L1079 and letting each of those parts render themselves https://github.com/AppliedEnergistics/Applied-Energistics-2/blob/9f23f8d544b7df0cfc0cbb20512e12c4506a808d/src/main/java/appeng/blockentity/networking/CableBusTESR.java#L42
  17. I just calculated how many states you have for your block, it is 4^6 x 2^6 = 262,144 So I added a debug to log every call to getShape() and it is getting called 22 times per BlockState. So I don't think it is really looping, its just taking forever because it is calculating 4 million complicated shapes.
  18. It's not going to work from the runclient task. The process needs to be managed by idea not gradle, hence the run configurations. and --debug is a logging config for gradle's daemon, totally unrelated. https://docs.minecraftforge.net/en/latest/gettingstarted/#building-and-testing-your-mod https://www.jetbrains.com/help/idea/debugging-code.html But its not the purpose of this forum to teach people how to use an IDE, there are other forums for that.
  19. Look at your IDE documentation. You will need to use the relevant gradle task to setup the "run configurations" for your IDE so you can run minecraft inside your IDE. $ ./gradlew tasks --snip-- ForgeGradle runs tasks ---------------------- genEclipseRuns genIntellijRuns genVSCodeRuns
  20. It's more likely you have typo, something that is probably totally obvious when you see it, but hard to spot otherwise. Attach a debugger to the process and step through what it is doing so you can see why it is looping.
  21. I used jstack to get a thread dump of the minecraft process. It looks like it is stuck in your getShape method for some reason. I haven't tried to figure out why. But it looks like it is looping judging by the cpu usage.
  22. Why don't you use some network tools to figure out who is trying to connect and block their ip address? It wouldn't suprise me if it is a "script kiddie" port scanning or similar.
  23. Sorry, but posting random snippets of code out of context in the forums will just get your question ignored. We have no psychic powers. You don't even show what EConnectionType is. And no that is probably not enough by itself.
  24. There is no error in the log that points to what is wrong. The only hint beyond the context classloader is the last thing in the log suggests it was processing textures when it hit the problem. You will need to debug it. Or put enough code on github that reproduces the problem so we can build and run the mod ourselves.
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