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Everything posted by warjort

  1. https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/122698-forge-1182-server-wont-load-up-with-dawncraft/#comment-533997
  2. Use java 17, mixin does not support java 20
  3. For vanilla models, you can use a BlockColor handler to change a texture's color based on data from the BlockAndTintGetter interface of the Level. That's how vanilla changes grass, leaves and foliage colors based on the biome. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Tinted_Textures For anything more complicated, e.g. changing textures, you would need to make your block into a BlockEntity so you can write your own BlockEntityRenderer. You certainly can't use the ServerLevel during rendering, you need to use the ClientLevel. For your other question(s), we don't design or write your mod for you. You need to figure that out for yourself.
  4. You already have the above dependency on forge's internal mod. Just make a new entry for whatever mod you depend on. NOTE: If you are writing an extension to another mod, you usually want ordering="AFTER", e.g. if you want to change the other mod's recipes. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Mods.toml_file I shouldn't have to keep posting links to the wiki. This forum does not exist so you can use people as a search engine. Please at least familiarise with what topics it discusses, even if you don't read the details immediately.
  5. ServerLevel.setBlockAndUpdate() Why would there be an event? Only you know when the block becomes irradiated.
  6. As the error says, you can't change the block states for vanilla blocks. Changing/re-registering vanilla registery objects is a bad way to do things anyway. * You will cause all sorts of conflicts with other mods * You will run into places where Mojang hard code things. A quick search of the 1.19.4 code finds 59 references to Blocks.GRASS_BLOCK alone (i.e. not your block) You should rethink what you are trying achieve. e.g. instead of trying to set a new "irradiated=true" property on the vanilla block, make your own "IrradiatedGrassBlock" and swap the block when it becomes irradiated. Or another way would be to keep track of the radiation levels in a Chunk Capability: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Capabilities Also; * Don't post logs in the forum where they are difficult to search (especially when there is more than one on a thread), use a file upload site. * Typically if you want help with your code, you need to post more than just a small snippet of it out-of-context, put your code on github where we can see everything that might be relevant.
  7. https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Dependencies
  8. These are the Forge support forums. We can't fix mods, we can only identify which one is causing the problem. You either need to contact the dawncraft modpack authors or the mod author directly: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/epicfight-dual-greatsword
  9. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  10. Some conflict between epicfight mod and dualgreatsword. Error is for the dualgreatsword mod. Check you have the latest versions then contact the mod authors.
  11. Something to do with growing crops by the strawgolem mod is using 85% of the server tick.
  12. Conflict between snowrealmagic and rubidium Check you have the latest versions then contact the mod authors.
  13. Maybe this? https://forums.minecraftforge.net/topic/122881-exit-code-1-for-modded-minecraft-1182-help/#comment-534540
  14. There is no error in that log. It just ends abruptly, assuming the forums haven't truncated it (you should upload files to a file sharing site). You likely have an error on your console saying why it crashed? From a quick scan of your installed mods, this looks suspicous where it looks like you have the 1.19.2 and 1.19.4 versions for geckolib? But that's just a guess.
  15. FML = Forge Mod Loader It's one of the main config files.
  16. Read what the run.sh says about nogui (because you don't have one) and while you are at it, read the user_jvm_args.txt Also if you plan on installing any mods that use mixins you need java 17, mixin does not support java 19 So far you are "batting 1000" on all the common mistakes. Next you will be installing client side only mods on the server. 🙂
  17. Forge's installer does not create the eula.txt file. It is created by minecraft when you first run the server.
  18. eula.txt is a file in your server folder
  19. Just repeating your question doesn't make it anymore answerable. Instead of watching tutorials (many of which are wrong or out-dated) and blindly copying code, try to learn how things actually work. Also, this is a support forum. We help people that have tried to implement something and have specific problems they don't understand. We generally don't answer "I don't know what I am doing can you teach me?" type questions. Anyway: Worldgen is defined by Mojang using datapacks, this wiki has a summary made from Minecraft's release notes: https://minecraft.fandom.com/wiki/Custom_world_generation Or you can see the latest vanilla worldgen here: https://github.com/misode/mcmeta/tree/data/data/minecraft/worldgen along with a web gui tool for generating them: https://misode.github.io/ and other guides/information, e.g. https://misode.github.io/guides/ But unless you want to create your own dimension or world preset, you will need to use forge's biome modification mechanisms to insert any new features you create into vanilla biomes: https://forge.gemwire.uk/wiki/Biome_Modifiers
  20. Your fml.toml is invalid/corrupted. If you don't have a backup of the file, you can delete it and it will be recreated with default values.
  21. Check you have the latest version then contact the mod author.
  22. The mod has at least 3 open bug reports about this: https://github.com/issork/astikor-carts/issues one of them suggests it is caused by apotheosis, but is not confirmed by the author? The intermittant nature sounds like a race/concurrency problem: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_condition
  23. In general, if you are posting compiler errors, you are in the wrong place. You want a learning java forum. We don't teach java here. For this specific issue, you are obviously copying some (tutorial?) code that uses the joml api. Something that wasn't introduced into minecraft until 1.19.3 The old com.mojang.math.Vector3d doesn't have a normalise method. Which if you knew java would be easy to spot. Vector3f does have such a method, but it does not support chaining.
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