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Everything posted by larsgerrits

  1. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge.
  2. First of all, does this happen with the latest Forge? Did you install any mods? If so, it looks like you did something very wrong installing them.
  3. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=43491.0[/iurl]
  4. 1.7.10 is no longer supported by Forge.
  5. First of all, rewrite your code to use Capabilities instead of ISidedInventory . Documentation on Capabilities can be found at mcforge.readthedocs.io. For you issues, you can trace the execution of the code using breakpoints, so you can figure out how the code is working and why not.
  6. JVM Flags: 7 total; -XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump -Xmx6G -XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC -XX:+CMSIncrementalMode -XX:-UseAdaptiveSizePolicy -Xmn128M -Xmx256M You have 2 -Xmx arguments, only the latter will be used. You have to remove the second to make it use the 6G you want.
  7. Disable the loading screen as described in the EAQ.
  8. Then what is the difference between public and public static ? As said before, registerModEntity takes in a ResourceLocation now. A ResourceLocation takes 2 parameters: a modid and an identifier. The modid is self-explanatory, and the identifier is either a path to a file or just a name. In this case a name, so just put the name variable as the second parameter. This should be all you need to know about the Minecraft part of it, now you should go learn the Java part of it.
  9. This isn't going to be enough for anyone. Then go make some art, or a ResourcePack or something. If you hate programming, modding isn't made for you. If you take a look at the Forge changelog every day, you should've noticed that. The vanilla code has enough example entity code. Again, in the Forge changelog are a lot of clues as to what has changed. mcforge.readthedocs.io No it isn't. That's just the way it is when modding a game without an official API. Therein lies your issue. Just watching videos and reading stuff from the internet is not enough to learn Java good enough to make Minecraft mods. You should first try to make something in Java outside of Minecraft. This will actually learn you the basics of Java. No, the issue isn't Minecraft, it's your Java that's the issue. You showed you don't know how to work with objects (ResourceLocation ), how to define them and how to instantiate them, what static means and how to use it. There's a lot more I can go over, but I'll spare you the details. This is because there are people that when someone asks for help, they give fully-working code, which they copy-paste in their own code and call it done. And then 2 days later we see a similar issue by the same user because the copy-pasted code isn't working, and he doesn't understand how it works. Then what is this forum for? There are hundreds if not thousands of threads on this forum that help other people with issues with textures, which you can take a look at. If they don't help, make a new thread here. Same applies for .lang files. Please, if you do, state why. From the @Mod documentation: /** * If true, this mod will not be loaded on the Dedicated Server environment. * Will crash if both serverSideOnly and clientSideOnly are set to true. */ boolean clientSideOnly() default false; /** * If true, this mod will not be loaded on the Client environment. * Will crash if both serverSideOnly and clientSideOnly are set to true. */ boolean serverSideOnly() default false; Vanilla has tons of them. Except the store is Mojang's store, and if they break it they don't have to pay for it, as it is their own.
  10. This topic has been moved to Support & Bug Reports. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=43460.0[/iurl]
  11. Increase the maximum amount of RAM you allocate to Minecraft by increasing the -Xmx JVM argument.
  12. There's also mcforge.readthedocs.io, which containes the official documentation of Forge.
  13. This is your second (third?) post about entity registration. In all of them people have commented that Forge for 1.11 doesn't have proper registration for entities yet. In the latest Forge version, Lex has added a basic draft of it, but that doesn't say it's working already.
  14. Then why are you trying to setup Forge?
  15. There have been A LOT of changes from 1.4.6 to 1.10.2, like basically every system has been overhauled, so you'd be better of with rewriting it from start.
  16. Mojang has changed and enforced that every resource filename has to be lowercase.
  17. Then you should go learn that first.
  18. Can you exactly describe what you did to update? Every command you ran, everything you did in your IDE.
  19. So your IDE calls gradle build ? Why?
  20. This topic has been moved to Modder Support. [iurl]http://www.minecraftforge.net/forum/index.php?topic=43353.0[/iurl]
  21. You are running gradle build , which is not how you update your Forge version. You do that by calling gradle setupDecompWorkspace again.
  22. This probably has something to do with the OreDictionary , as it looks like it isn't updated to use the new ItemStack mechanics. You'll have to wait for Forge to fix that.
  23. I told you before how to fix it. If you post "this code doesn't work" once more, without showing you actually tried to solve it, I'll lock the thread.
  24. Why are you calling gradlew clean ? It clears the cache, which you probably don't want. Just calling gradlew build will suffice.
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