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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. I'm not sure you understood me this is the full method. public void addInformation(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, List<String> tooltip, ITooltipFlag flagIn) {}
  2. It is a void method not a constructor. I was just trying to give you the parameters.
  3. Eclipse should be yelling at you about your @Override annotation. You don't have the proper method signature. addInformation(ItemStack stack, World worldIn, List<String> tooltip, ITooltipFlag flagIn)
  4. What version of Minecraft are you modding for?
  5. It's no different than a normal capability, you need a ICapabilityProvider a Capability that is registered, and an object that represents the data. All this information is on the docs, choonster has examples on his github test mod 3(I think).
  6. Both of these links are not working for me, could you please post the code in this post using the code button looks like this <>
  7. 1/16 is the thickness of the Item ie one pixel. The next number indicates the center of the item(0-1) so .5 is the literal center. The max is the farthest position(farthest from 0) and the min is the closest position(closest to 0). These represent how far in the start and the end are in the z direction. These are a little bit beyond me, but basically it is just creating the faces for the baked model. It might be easier to experiment with those values to figure out what they do exactly. But it looks like dimensions of some kind.
  8. It would be helpful if you told us which numbers specifically.
  9. If you dont save them you will have to get them again when they are loaded which could lead to some performance issues when loading chunks. You have to make your own capability and attach it in AttachCapabilityEvent<World>. Then you have to sync the network with a packet.
  10. @Cadiboo Networks should be server side only. Save and load them from the world using WorldSavedData or a World Capability. Use Packets to send the information from server to client. For debugging log messages to the log or use debug mode. Also instead of having each TileEntity send energy have a WorldTickEvent that handles all the energy sending and receiving.
  11. Block#onNeighborChanged is called whenever a TileEntity is removed or placed in the world to all adjacent blocks. You should just be able to override this in your cable(s) class. And Block#breakBlock is called every time a block is broken/replaced since it is the method that removes TEs. And you can use Block#onBlockAdded for when the cable is placed. You will need to use all three of them.
  12. Can you describe what you mean in more detail? Aswell as show what you have tried.
  13. You don't need to use forge Events for this, there are methods in the Block class you can use. Such as breakBlock and onNeighborChanged.
  14. Which part do you not understand? Override is a basic java principle. And I have given you a method signature. The method is in the Block class.
  15. I meant the thermal mods. If you want it to be lossless you can simply store one energy storage that represents a cable network on which its size scales on how many cables there are. And also stores positions of connected TEs.
  16. As long as the server says no you cant fly, then you can't fly. Instead of setting EntityPlayer#capabilities.isFlying=true try EntityPlayer#capabilities.allowFlying=true and then call EntityPlayer#sendPlayerAbilities if you have changed it on the client.
  17. Ultimately it depends on how you want the network to function, do you want simulated energy flow where power individually flows from point a to point b? Or would you rather it function like thermal energy flow?
  18. Name the lang file en_US.lang or put a mcmeta file for a resource pack that specifies the correct version. Did you register the model in the ModelRegistryEvent using ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation
  19. Honestly it would probably be easier to restart from the ground in a new workspace.
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