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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. I'm assuming that the inventory hasn't been created yet while you are trying to use it, but you see I cant say for certain because I dont know what you have done. Also you do not need the inventory in your capability at all for this.
  2. This line in your update method is causing the problem cookTime is never able to be incremented. You can combine this method and consuming fuel so you only need to call it once. There is no point in having this method in your Block class write the code in your TileEntity. You also need to override shouldRefresh and return true if the blocks are different, not the blockstates. As well as my aforementioned changes.
  3. What is the formatting on your code? Why is it all left aligned? It is such a pain to read. You have so many unnecessary methods in here. All you need are Block#onBlockActivated (to open the GUI), Block#breakBlock (to drop all the contained items), Block# hasTIleEntity, Block#createTileEntity, Block#getStateForPlacement (to apply the FACING property correctly), Block#getStateFromMeta, Block#getMetaFromState, and Block#createBlockState This method can be shortened massively, and I mean massively. Also it really needs to be formatted for me to look at without wanting to find a nice scenic cliff. You posted your Container class twice.
  4. getContainerItem(ItemStack) is a method signature, it refers to a method in the Item class. This is not a java tutorial forum learn java before you make a mod.
  5. Then in your items class override getContainerItem(ItemStack) and return the item you want to remain in your Recipe.
  6. Are they your Items.
  7. You are missing the normal variant.
  8. Reflection in java allows you to access private fields and even change final fields. This will allow you to set the genBiomes field in the BiomeProvider instance. Use ReflectionUtil(its a class) to access the field and set it equal to your classes genBiomes field.
  9. YW
  10. Take a minute and look up Reflection, maybe?
  11. What mods.
  12. Define will this work. And you can copy the complete code, or you could copy portions of the code, which would make more sense. OR you could use reflection and set the variable to your variable.
  13. Your error is caused by calling the super on this line. The error is ultimately caused by BiomeProvider#genBiomes not being instantiated. Since it is a private value you have two options. Reflection or copying the code from BiomeProvider into your class for functionality.
  14. Not without your code. Please post it to github. Either you have been working on it for a while and are tired/need coffee/sleep/or other caffeine source OR you are not ready to tackle creating a Dimension yet.
  15. Yes, use the EntityJoinWorldEvent.
  16. Because no one has taken their time to detail the massive amount of information an entity is. EntityLiving has a public field called tasks that you can modify to have your tasks.
  17. Try not installing it as a jar mod.
  18. Tesselating block model means that it is rendering the blocks model. NullPointerException is when something is use doesn't exist, to put into simple terms.
  19. I only have three things to say, Try to find a more updated version of Refined Storage and see if the error still persists. Try to find an outdated version and see if the error still persists. Update to 1.12.2 We can't bug fix refined storage, only the mod author could do that, but as you stated he doesn't want to. That is his choice.
  20. Well you can, you can use an ExtendedState and save the log type to a TileEntity. You just can't save it in metadata.
  21. This is just as ambiguous as telling a doctor it hurts.
  22. Instead of implementing ICapabilityProvider implement ICapabilitySerializable and in the methods deserialize and serialize call CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY.getStorage().readFromNBT and writeToNBT respectively. ItemStack#copy() serializes the capability data and if it can't be serialized then it won't be transferred over.
  23. Yes. CapabilityItemHandler.ITEM_HANDLER_CAPABILITY.getStorage().readFrom/writeToNBT
  24. I'm not sure you understood what I meant, I meant change your ores material from Material.GROUND to Material.ROCK
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