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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. I'm not sure if this is the correct method signature, I believe the return type is ModelBiped.
  2. That error points me to the same location. Remove the @SideOnly and then send the error.
  3. Why is this here? You are marking this variable as Client Side only, but it is an Item and that should be common code.
  4. I'll look into it, it took me a while because I ran into some difficulties getting it to compile for some reason, but here it is. Edit: You may end up with duplicate Items however if the mob would normally drop its Items. However I am not sure. nanfix-final.jar
  5. Oh, I didn't think of that when I made it allow me to edit it, I'll post again with the updated version attached.
  6. Not that I know of. Thats not something I would want to do either ?
  7. If you use a config boolean then you can set the default to "compiled" and change it for your workspace so that it is "non compiled". You won't have to change anything unless you have to delete the config file.
  8. Write a boolean that is public static final and change it when you are going to release it, or put it in the config.
  9. Iterate over the registry for recipes. Then remove the recipes while storing them in a variable. Then add your recipes, then add the copies of the recipes you removed.
  10. You have to handle it not overflowing into another chunk that hasn't yet been loaded/generated.
  11. Do you have any custom structure gen or tree gen in your dimension. This is logged when a chunk is being generated and then it loads a new chunk. Typically when it overflows into a different chunk.
  12. Entity Grabber public void update() { if (isRiding()) { getRidingEntity().setVelocity(/** Apply correct velocity from AI. **/) } else { // Normal code. } }
  13. Entity#getRidingEntity will return the entity that is being ridden.
  14. Switch to using the caught entitiy's velocity instead of the riding entity's.
  15. I made it based on your issue, because it is rather unique. It simply detects NaN health mobs and sets them to be dead, and they will be removed next tick.
  16. Installing this mod should fix your issue, it simply checks every tick to see if there is an Entity that has NaN health and if so sets them to be dead. Edit: I'm not sure what mod is causing the issue. Maybe it was mutated mobs, but this will solve the issue as a quick fix. nanfix-final.jar
  17. Remove half then if the error persists you know which half has the mod causing the error. Rinse repeat until you have one mod. Did removing it solve your problem.
  18. Don't do this, while this does work it doesn't make sense to do so.
  19. No, just do it in your Main mod class(the one with the @Mod annotation).
  20. You should register it in Common Code. Yes, if you want the data on the server.
  21. I think what he means is that why is it only registered on the client.
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