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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. No Minecraft won't look for any variants it is not told about. Try creating a new world.
  2. 1.7.10 is not supported on this forum please update if you wish to receive help. This thread will later be locked by a moderator.
  3. Because of 1.13 though you may have figured that out. Post your updated code, including its file path.
  4. Is it the full cube or does it have your model. I am assuming it doesn't have your model, was this from a fresh run of the dev environment.
  5. There is both a PlayerLoggedInEvent and a PlayerLoggedOutEvent please use those instead. ServerDisconnectionFromClientEvent is only called when the server disconnects a player, and ClientDisconnectionFromServerEvent is only called when the Client disconnects from the server. It is a little bit of a play on words, which one is doing the disconnecting.
  6. This event is fired only on the server.
  7. You do not have all of your variants outlined. West can be true or false, but so can all your other boolean properties, now that means they can be false and another can be true. So you actually have a block with 2^4 different possibilities with just the boolean properties. Also this will never be true.
  8. I have not heard for sure that forge blockstates are being removed and if so it wouldn't matter using it is the correct way to do it in 1.12.
  9. We are just talking the directions right, NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST, UP, DOWN. Then it is very simple in the forge BlockState json.
  10. Use the forge BlockState JSON, it has submodels, and you can declare translations and rotations.
  11. It's a forge class. That renders a block model from a blockstate.
  12. Yes this is how you should update a mod. Though just fixing those errors won't always solve the issue.
  13. It is not possible with an IRecipe, butt you can use Item#onCrafted and/or Item#onUpdate
  14. Doesn't change the fact that, what I did worked from an earlier message.
  15. Don't make custom launchers.
  16. Well there are two ways to do this, and I am not sure which would be better. Subscribe tot the RenderBlockOverlayEvent and render an overlay on your block that draws a new face on the block based on various things, player postion, block position, etc. Create a FastTESR for the block and render a different model based on the various information you have. Which you can get from changing the blockstate passed into the renderFast method that you need to override.
  17. Is there a reason for this limit? I was wrong, there is an underlying limit on them, you will just have to create your own potion item that imitates the vanilla one.
  18. PotionEffects also have a registry and have no 256 limit.
  19. In 1.12 there is no 256 potion limit, there is no limit at all.
  20. Using just this I can get a smooth animation, and most of this was copied over from your code.
  21. This isn't necessary in 1.12, forge has a registry system for potions now.
  22. How old is the code you are looking at. Plus when you are making more potions you should use the registry events in 1.12.2
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