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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. What version are you modding for?
  2. Did you need access to it from both sides?
  3. If you were using it properly it wouldn't be giving you errors. Post what you tried.
  4. Partial ticks is just a float value that is updated every frame to determine how much time is left between the last tick and the next tick on a scale of 0-1. It should only be unstable if your FPS or TPS is unstable. Have you tried incrementing by 1 instead of 2 and seeing how that functions.
  5. And then it does a few things with if it's in the ground and then sets itself to be dead, but only if the above is true. Which setDead are you having a problem with exactly?
  6. This line right here says is this a client world?
  7. Define vision And also show what you have tried.
  8. Until you get into more advanced things than Block and Item models, like TE Animation, Entity Model Registration, etc. You actually do not need to have a Client Proxy. Now, I've never really found a use for a ServerProxy myself, but I feel there is some, but they are more advanced. So in reality you don't need a proxy for a while into building a mod, some mods won't event need them.
  9. Just subscribe to RenderPlayerEvent, and do your rendering there.
  10. How is your FPS? And the world TPS should be 20, is it?
  11. In your update method you only set it dead on the client.
  12. This won't ever be true. Block#getBlockState returns a BlockStateContainer while World#getBlockState(BlockPos) returns an IBlockState. So instead do Block#getDefaultState()
  13. You need to make your onPlayerTick method static.
  14. I don't believe this is what I told you to do, for (BlockPos blockPos <--- This is a variable : poses) Iterable<BlockPos> poses = BlockPos.getAllInBox
  15. Use the Iterable returned by the method instead of the list you have created. Why do you have the index variable just use the one created in the loop that is already a BlockPos.
  16. for(BlockPos blockPos : poses) Do you know what this line does? Why are you casting an Iterable to BlockPos, this shoudn't even compile.
  17. The PlayerTickEvent has a reference to the EntityPlayer as you know. All Entities including the player have a reference to the world they are in.
  18. You never set your world variable to anything, and you expected that to work?
  19. setBlockState is a method of world, it is also public so therefore you can call it from an instance of World. Which all Entities have a public instance. Also how well do you know Java?
  20. Double check that keravcraft matches your mods id. And is there anything put in the log about this.
  21. Where are you putting your recipe json?
  22. What happens in the if statement if the compound doesn't have a UUID saved to it. Hint: The entity will be null. clawshot_head.setDead(); What does this do? It references a new Entity just created in this method, not yet spawned in the world, and sets it to be dead. What it should do is gets the entity from the nbt and set that entity to be dead.
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