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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. I do too. Looking at the HTML it's a "warn_watch" field, so I take it to mean that the moderators are watching his posts closely. Yeah I thought that as well, but wasn't quite sure and didn't think to look at the HTML.
  2. Does anyone else see the "Watched" in green under gurujive's name or is that just me?
  3. Yeah... as im coming from a PHP/JS/HTML/CSS background.. Yeah that is not quite the best for this....Once you have those OOP concepts down you should be able to tackle this problem with barely any effort. I hope so Any recommendations of a tutorial i should look into, and by that i mean a creators name? I do not have any recommendations because I just jumped in and learned as I went, but you can just go on to youtube and search for "java concepts tutorial for beginners" or "java for beginners" and that should work.
  4. Yeah... as im coming from a PHP/JS/HTML/CSS background.. Yeah that is not quite the best for this....Once you have those OOP concepts down you should be able to tackle this problem with barely any effort.
  5. Use a USB flash drive to store all of your code and eclipse/IDEA. And what you do is you take the files stored in some path under your User that contains all of the referenced libraries and put them into your flash drive and then edit the projects dependencies so that it uses the same ones, this works in theory have not tried it myself.
  6. I would suggest watching some tutorials on some Object Oriented Programming so you can learn the concepts, I would recommend it being Java over other obviously.
  7. What you need to do is access the BlockState of your block where the TileEntity is and check the FACING property and get the Facing from that.
  8. Could you post the normal out out aka without the "--debug"
  9. Is there a reason you are using Double instead of double? And it seems that it is null whenever your packet is being sent, which means that when you initialize it in the constructor you must be passing null.
  10. IItemPropertyGetter look at the vanilla compass, or look at Tinker's Construct's code on github.
  11. Then how do you know that what you have "tried" dosnt work?
  12. Not really, the Javadocs should explain all you need to know. IEnergyReceiver is for machines and can be used for Storage devices as well. Though Ender IO doesn't use this. IEnergyProducers are generators and things that output energy. IEnergyConnection is just something that connects to pipes but does not really use Energy. TileEnergyHandler is an example of these.
  13. Just a note if you plan on having compatibility with Ender IO you need to have your producers/generators push the energy out.
  14. RF API has been updated to 1.8 and should work on 1.11 and 1.10 here is a link https://github.com/CoFH/RedstoneFlux-API/tree/1.8/src/main/java/cofh/api
  15. Added. Don't use Minecraft.getMinecraft().getRenderItem().getItemModelMesher().register Instead use ModelLoader.setCustomModelResourceLocation Don't use item.getUnlocalizedName Instead use item.getRegistryName and don't append your modid to this.
  16. The red 0 means sttacksize 0. Which means that the stack's size is being decreased, so if you create a new ItemStack instance its size will not be decreased, you could also increment the size by one if you wanted to.
  17. Do you override getStrVsBlock in your Items class? What ToolMaterial did you use?
  18. Seems like you need to return a new ItemStack now instead of just the original itemstack just damaged.
  19. First thing 1.7 is no longer supported. Second core-mods are not supported here either, and finally wrong section of the
  20. Oooh, great idea. Let's see... I'm still trying to wrap my head around all this, so how would I go about that? Would I need to create a new capability to attach to my tile entities? Could I somehow wrap it into the ItemStackHandler stuff? NBTTagCompound#setInteger
  21. I could see a not so much compatibility error with Tinkers Construct and other mods that effect the health, unless you rely slightly on the vanilla implementation of health.
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