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Forge Modder
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Everything posted by Animefan8888

  1. In your MainMod class in the @Mod annotation set clientSideOnly = true not sure if that will fix it, but you should do that anyways.
  2. There are two possible places for this, which are you referring to? Here if (ChatListener.isAFK = false) { ChatListener.isAFK = true; icommandsender.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("You are now AFK!")); return; } If this doesn't work it is not being called. I use that and it only comes up with the "Hello" message, not the "You are now AFK!". Then it is never making it into the if statement, or it can't send the message try removing the help message.
  3. When you setup the EventHandler you need to subscribe to HarvestDropsEvent, using the HarvestDropEvent parameter in your method you have access to the block and a list of dropped items you can modify to your liking.
  4. There are two possible places for this, which are you referring to? Here if (ChatListener.isAFK = false) { ChatListener.isAFK = true; icommandsender.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("You are now AFK!")); return; } If this doesn't work it is not being called.
  5. You can look at the link in my signature and look at my RegistryHelper class for an example on how that is handled.
  6. EventHandler here is a great tutorial on it by cool alias. http://www.minecraftforum.net/forums/mapping-and-modding/mapping-and-modding-tutorials/1571567-forge-1-6-4-1-8-eventhandler-and
  7. I want to say it is at the top of the thread. Never done it...
  8. You can change it delete this thread as it has nothing to do with modding. *Edit In the same place you change your signature.
  9. Honestly you should stop he/she probably doesn't know that you are being sarcastic and if you aren't you should stop, because core mods are not supported by forge.
  10. 1st. Do you know any Java if not learn Java first. 2nd. Post more specific questions please.
  11. What he should reorder would be the registry order, but doing it in the list would be better(less work).
  12. Well I would say the best way to learn on this is to look at examples I would start looking at minecrafts JSON files in the jar under that path assets/minecraft/models/... Just to let you know Blocks need three JSON files a blockstate, block model, item model. Blockstates are under the path assets/minecraft/blockstates
  13. Yeah I told you that tends to happen eclipse just doesn't care sometimes :3
  14. I don't think you can detect if the player has received a chat message but if you could it would be down with an Event provided by forge.
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